Material (12) Yemen aircrash




John: Take a look. . It is an aircrash of Yemen airline. Mr. Leung is the officials of the government of Hong Kong. During the aircrsh of the airline of Yemen, Mr. Leung won't pretend to be the victims. Why?

Me: Because, it is bloody.

John: However, during my web account being hacked, Mr. Leung rush to pretend to be the victims. Why?

Me: Because, it is bloodless.

John:  Oh! shits.

Me: Oh! shits.


Kelvin : This hacker's package can hack the web account of John . Do you wanna learn the hacker's techniques?? <---- Kelvin should murder people.

Mr. Leung (an officials of the government of Hong Kong): Yes, <--- Mr. Leung should murder people too.

Kelvin: Tomorrow, You pretend to be victims and say in the media , " My web account is being hacked .". . 

Mr. Leung: I've got it. 


Bradley (an America's hackers): Have a  look  Why didn't Mr. Leung pretend to be the victims , during the incident of  aircrash of the airlines of Yemen.

Charles: Because, it is too bloody. 

Bradley: Then, during the web account of John being hacked, Mr. Leung rush to pretend to be the victims. Why?

Charles: Because, it is bloodless..

Bradley: This guy is shits.

Charles: This guy is shits.

Bradley: How do we handle Mr. Leung?

Charles: Murder him.
