material (18) The aircrash of Pakistan (160 people died)


Ref: .


John: This article mention about the difference between "Public lecture" and "Private tutorial" . . 

Me: OK.

John: Today, I tell you one more difference of public lecture and private tutorial. It is Intimacy and immediation.


The contact between the lecturer and the student isn't so immediate and intimate in the public lecture, because, the hall of the university's lecture is too big and inside the hall, there're too many students.  


However, the contact between the tutor and the student is very immediate and intimate in a private tutorial, because, the room of tutorial is too small and inside the room, there are too few students.


John: 911 is a public lecture. 

Me: Is it?

John: Yes, it is. Over 1000 spies of America including Obama know that 911 is done by Bradley. 

Me: OK.

John: However, the contact between Bradley and those spies are not immediate and intimate. Because, 911 is a public lecture.


Obama: 911 is so serious. 4 airplanes were hacked and crashed into world trade center and it claimed 3000 people's lives.

Kelvin: You're not sole witness.

Obama: No, I'm not the sole witness. Indeed, 1000 America's spies know that it is done by Bradley.

Kelvin: Bradley isn't intimate and immediate to you.

Obama: Bradley isn't.

Kelvin: 911 is a public lecture. You can hardly learn any hacker's techniques from Bradley.

Obama: I know that.

Kelvin: On the contrary, I'm intimate and immediate to you.  

Obama: That's correct.

Kelvin: I organize private tutorial for you. You can learn the hacker's techniques from me.

Obama: That's true.

Kelvin: So, you forget about Bradley. Tomorrow, you say in the media "Bin Laden was killed. Forget about 911.". After that, I will intimately and immediately teach you how to hack the database of the department of commerce of EU.


Bradley: Have a look . . A airplane of Pakistan crashed. 160 pagans died. 

Charles: Correct.

Bradley: Yandelism is a religion. The heavenly God is always in our mind.

Charles: Yes,.

Bradley: Even if the heavenly God is distant and remote to us, we still won't forget about "Him".

Charles: No, we wouldn't forget about him.

Bradley: Then, why did Obama say "Forget about 911. Bin Laden was killed" ?

Charles: Obama is too ridiculous. Obama think the heavenly God is too distant and remote to him. Therefore, he didn't put the heavenly God on his mind.
