Material (67) The explosion of Kenya (2013)




John: Have a look, . If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should you do?

Me: I should eucharistize too.

John: Excellent.


John: There're plenty hackers in America. Most of them are shits. The only hackers whom I respect always is Bradley. 

Me: Is his name Bradley?

John: Indeed, I don't know whether his name is Bradley or not. I just assume that his name is Bradley. 

Me: Why do you respect him always ? 

John: Because, after the explosion of Kenya ( ), Bradley say in high profile "the explosion is done by a group of terrorists called the party of Islamic Youth.". Let me ask you a question.

Me: Go ahead.

John: Do terrorists make fun of the pagans?

Me (shaking head): No, terrorists never make fun of the pagans.  The terrorists kill the pagans directly.


John stand up, hand clap and say, 


John: Excellent. Let me tell you a story. One day of the year of 2020. I went out to the avenue.  Accidentally, I saw my neighbour called Mr. K.



Kelvin: Look at this camera. It hack the satellite of America. 

Daniel: It's amazing.

Kelvin: Do you see a person chatting with John at the avenue?? He is Mr. K . <---- Kelvin should murder the pagans.

Daniel: How do you know that he is Mr. K?? <--- Daniel should murder pagans.

Kelvin: I hack the telecom as well. . Through the physical address of the SIM card of this guy, I know that. 


One day, Mr. K was at the ward of number 333 of a hospital of Hong Kong.


Daniel: Look at the patient of the ward of number 333. . He is Mr. K .  He has close contact with John. . You go next to his bed. . You soliloquize "You've got COVID. . It is infectable. You must stay at center of seperation ".

Mr. Yem (a doctor from the public hospital of Hong Kong): Soliloquize ? He hasn't got COVID. Why should I do that? <----- Mr. Yem should murder people. 

Daniel: You make fun of the pagans. . Isn't it funny?

Mr. Yem: Funny?  Don't you know that terrorists never make fun of the pagans. Terrorists kill the pagans directly. 

Daniel: We're not terrorists. We're just hackers.

Mr. Yem: Hackers?  Bradley is the terrorists. We're the terrorists too. 

Daniel: Do you wanna learn how to hack the satellite? If yes, you just make fun of Mr.  K. We're the hackers.

Mr. Yem: Are you serious?

Daniel: I'm pretty serious..


Bradley: Have a look . . . Is it  a church?

Charles: Yes,

Bradley: Is our religion a cult?

Charles: Yes,.

Bradley: Are we the bishops?

Charles: Yes,.

Bradley: Now, we murder 500 pagans. . What should Kelvin, Daniel and Mr. Yem do??

Charles: They should murder pagans too. . .However, they don't.

Bradley: Why don't they "eucharistize"?

Charles: They say they're hackers. They're not terrorists.  Therefore, they make fun of the pagans. They don't murder the pagans.

Bradley: How do we handle Kelvin, Daniel and Mr. Yem?

Charles: Murder them.
