Material (72) (Indonesia aircrash) Mutual belief (10)


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1) If the bishops has eucharistized already, the disciples must eucharistize.

2) If the bishops hasn't eucharistized yet, the disciples can pend.


John: I explain the above picture. There isn't any blood-shed during a cold-war.  There's materialism and property and a sense of jealousy. 

Me: However, if it is a real-war. Here's blood-shed, it is spirit and belief. Here's Mutual belief.

John: Correct. Cold-war is equal to that "the bishop has not yet eucharistized". Real-war is equal to that "the bishop has already eucharistized". During the cold war between the Soviet and America, Pavel is the commander of the troops of Soviets. Would Pavel said to Gronof who is a soldier of the lowest rank "I own a missile. I let it focus on America. You're just jealousy of me. You need not kill anybody."?

Me: Yes, Pavel would let Gronof be jealousy of him. Because, the  missile hasn't been launched. There's no blood-shed. It is materialism and property. Gronof need not kill anybody. Now, I change the story. Bradley is the bishop of church of the Yandelists. 

John: OK.

Me: Yes, Bradley do possess a hacker's package which can hack the airplanes. Note: The Indonesia's aircrash <> is done by Bradley.

John: OK.

Me: After the aircrash, would Bradely say to Kelvin who is a hacker of the lowest rank " I own a hacker's package which can hack an airplane.  You are just jealousy of me.  You need not kill anybody ." ? ?

John: No, Bradley wouldn't. Because, the missile has been launched. It is bloody. "It" is a spirit and belief rather than materialism and property. Kelvin need to kill somebody.




Kelvin (an America's hackers): See this hacker's package. It trace the whereabouts of John through the physical address of the SIM card of John. <---- Kelvin should murder the pagans.

Mr. Tsang (an officials of the government of Hong Kong): Amazing. <---- Mr. Tsang should murder the pagans.

Kelvin: Then, you must "please" me, and then, you say ,"Kelvin done a good jobs. John deserve to be hacked.". 

Mr.Tsang: I can "please" you. However, I feel that it is too materialism and property. I feel like that it should be spirit and belief. I feel like that I should murder the pagans too.




Kelvin: You totally misunderstand.

Mr. Tsang: Do I ?

Kelvin: Yes,. It is a cold-war. Here isn't any blood-shed. It is a materialism and property rather than spirit and belief. Bradley own a hacker's package which can hack an airplane. Bradley intend to let you be jealousy of him.

Mr. Tsang: Does Bradley intend to do so?

Kelvin: Yes, Bradley intend to do so. Thus, you're just jealousy of him. You need not kill any pagans.

Mr. Tsang: 100 passengers died in the aircrash of Indonesia already. There's blood-shed already . . The missile has been launched. The bishops have eucharistized already. It is no more materialism and property. It is spirit and belief already. I must have the mutual belief.

Kelvin: Do you wanna learn the hacker's techniques?

Mr. Tsang (drool): Yes, I do wanna learn it.

Kelvin: Thus, you just listen to me. You just ignore Bradley.

Mr. Tsang: If I ignore Bradley, I disrespect Yandelism.

Kelvin: Never mind .


On day, Charles is so angry. He pat on the desk top and scream,


Charles (another bishop of the church of Yandelists): Mr. Tsang is too materialism and property. He doesn't have a sense of spirit and belief. He never kill a single pagan. He disrespect Yandelism.

Bradley: Mr. Tsang said it is a cold-war. It is materialism and property. Here's no blood-shed. We own a hacker's package which hack an airplane. We intend to let him be jealousy of.

Charles (shaking head): We never intend to let him be jealousy of us.

Kelvin: Say why not?

Charles: 100 people died from the aircrash of Indonesia already. Has the missile not yet been launched ? Is it still a cold war ? Isn't it bloody ? Is it a materialism and property ? Can Mr. Tsang have no mutual belief ? Can Mr. Tsang not murder any pagans?

Bradley take a deep breath and say

Bradley: It is a mutual belief. The missile has been launched. We have already eucharistized. Here's blood-shed. It is spirit and belief. Mr. Tsang must murder the pagans. Mr. Tsang can't ignore us. Mr. Tsang shouldn't disrespect "Yandelism".

Charles: Mr. Tsang never murder a single pagans.

Bradley: How do we handle Kelvin and Mr.
Tsang ?

Charles: Murder them.
