Material (95) the incident of 911
Ref: .
John: Have a look . . . If the bishop Eucharistize, what should the followers do?
Me: They should eucharistize too.
John: Excellent
Me: When did Kelvin first start to hack you?
John: Roughly around the first quarter of the year of 2004.
Me: What did happen at that time ?
John: Read the followings.
Me: Fine.
Kelvin: I hack the server of Google. I find that IP 133.133.133 is strange. <---- Kelvin should murder the pagans.
Daniel: How strange is it? <--- Daneil should murder the pagans.
Kelvin: When "he" type a search words in the searching box, "he" love to put a bracket around the search words.
Daniel: Can "you" give me an example?
Kelvin: For example, the search words is dickhead. (IP 133.133.133) put a bracket around the search word and "it" become (dickhead).
Daniel: (IP 133.133.133) love to put a bracket around the search words. It is "his" own business. It's none of your business.
Kelvin: Who say that? I must chase who this person is.
Daniel: Let me tell you a story. Many pagans died in the incident of 911.
"You" should murder the pagans too.
Kelvin: Are you insane? Bradley and Charles are terrorists. Of course, they murder the pagans.
Daniel: Then, what are you?
Kelvin: I'm a nosy person.
Daniel: nosy person ?
Me: From that day on, Kelvin keep hacking you.
John: Yes,. Non stop.
Me: In which way?
John: He keep hacking my telephone, computer, using the satellite to peep at me, chasing the physical address of my SIM Card, and, so on and on.
Bradley: 2700 pagans died in the incident of 911.What should Kelvin and Daniel do?
Charles: They should murder the pagans. However, they don't.
Bradley: Why don't they murder the pagans?
Charles: They say they're just the nosy person. Of course, they don't murder the pagans.
Bradley: That mean we're the terrorists who murder the pagans. And then, Kelvin and Daniel are the nosy persons who never murder the pagans.
Chalres: Yes.
Bradley: How do we handle them?
Charles: Murder them.
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