Material (139) covid private tutorial and public lecture
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John: Look at this article. . Miss Cheung is illegal, because, she attend the private tutorial organized by Kelvin.
Me: Yes,.
John: Mr. Wu is my friend. One day, I saw Mr. Wu at the avenue. You guess what happen? Kelvin use the satellite to peep at us from the sky.
Mr. Wu (the friend of John): One day, I enter the public hospital of Hong Kong. You guess what happen?
John: What?
Mr. Wu: A staff of the hospital push me to Room 333 in which the dead body of the COVID's victims is temporarily placed. I assume that this staff is called Mr. Chan. Did Mr. Chan know that Bradley use "COVID" to kill a lots of pagans?
John: Yes,. Mr. Chan knows that Bradley use "COVID" to kill a lots of pagans.
Mr. Wu: How did Mr. Chan knows that?
John: Read the followings.
Kelvin (an America's hackers): Now, I tell you that Bradley use "COVID" to kill a lots of pagans.
Mr. Chan: Is it only me who know that?
Kelvin: No,. Indeed, I also notify 1000 staffs of the hospital that Bradley use "COVID" to kill a lots of pagans.
Mr. Chan: COVID is a public lecture.
Kelvin: Yes,. Therefore, 1000 spies of Hong Kong know that it is done by Bradley.
Mr. Chan: So, what'm I gonna do?
Kelvin place his notebook on the desk top . And then, Kelvin point to the monitor and say,
Kelvin: Through the monitor of my notebook, do you see a person chatting with John at the avenue? He is Mr. Wu. He is John's friend. Next time, when Mr. Wu come to the hospital, you push Mr. Wu to Room 333 in which the temporary body of the COVID’s victims is placed.
Mr. Chan: Wait a minute. 1000 staff of the hospital including me know that Bradley kill a lots of pagans.
Kelvin: So?
Mr. Chan: However, now, except me, no other spies else know that John and Mr. Wu are hacked by you. It isn't a public lecture. It is just a private tutorial.
Kelvin: Hey! During a public lecture, you can't get detailed education about how to hack the satellite. You've gotta self study. Do you enjoy public lecture.
Mr. Chan: No,.
Kelvin: Good. You just attend the private tutorial organized from me.
John: Bradley kill many pagans. Why don't you sue Bradley?
Mr. Chan: 1000 spies know that COVID is done by Bradley. It is a public lecture. I'm not the only one who know that. Why should I pioneer suing Bradley?
John: If you don't sue Bradley, good. You must murder the pagans as if what Bradley did in COVID.
Mr. Chan: 1000 spies know that COVID is done by Bradley. It is a public lecture. I'm not the only one who know that. Why should I pioneer killing the pagans?
John: However, except you, no other spies else know that Kelvin use the satellite to hack me and Mr. Wu. You're the sole witness. It is no longer a public lecture. Why don't you sue Kelvin?
Mr. Chan: Kelvin open a private tutorial for me and let me have strong sense of belonging and self-esteem. Why should I sue my tutor?
John: You tutor?
Me: Yes,. My tutor.
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