Material (4) COVID (public lecture and private tutorial)





John: Have a look . . Eddy is a typical example. Isn't he?

Me: Yes,. Eddy is.

John: Take a look at this article . . Mr. Li is another typical example.

Me: How?


Kelvin (an America's hackers): Bradley use "COVID" to murder plenty heathens.

Mr. Li (the staff of the housing department of Hong Kong): How do you know?

Kelvin: I'm affiliated with the hacker's team. Can I make a mistake ?

Mr. Li: No, you can't make a mistake.

Kelvin: So, tomorrow, you announce to the residents publicly that every residents have a risk of getting infected with COVID 

Mr. Li: Publc anouncement?

Kelvin: Why not? Johnson, the PM of Britian, also make public announcement that every Britishs have a risk of getting infected with COVID

Mr. Li: Johnson announce to all Britishs. I announce to all residents.

Kelvin: Yes, however, bear in mind, don't disclose to the residents that it is me who give you "intelligence".

Mr. Li: I've got it.


Me: Can I say that "both" Mr. Li and Johnson are aware of that COVID is done by Bradley?

John: Yes, you can say that both of them know that COVID is done by Bradley.

Me: Is the matter over yet?

John: No, the matter isn't over yet. One day of 2022, Johnson, the PM of Britian, annouce that the 3rd wave of COVID is more devastating. Is Johnson illegal?

Me: Yes,. Johnson is illegal. Because, Johnson know that COVID is done by Bradley. Johnson didn't sue Bradley and then Jonson make public announcement to all the Britishs.

John: Hey! Come on. Isn't Mr. Li illegal? Mr. Li know that COVID is done by Bradley. Mr. Li didn't sue Bradley and then Mr. Li make public announcement to all the residents.


John: Bradley use COVID to kill so many pagans. Why don't you sue Bradley ?

Mr. Li: 1000 spies of Hong Kong know that COVID is done by Bradley. I'm not the only one who know that. Why should I pioneer suing Bradley?

John: If you don't sue Bradley, good. You murder the heathens too.

Mr. Li: 1000 spies know that COVID is done by Bradley. I'm not the only one who know that. Why should I pioneer killing the heathens?


John: Take a look at it. . Here're over 1000 spies in Hong Kong. Except you, the rest of 1000 spies are ignorant of Kelvin hacking the database of the housing department of Hong Kong.

Mr. Li: So what?

John: You're the sole witness. Why don't you sue Kelvin?

Mr. Li: Kelvin organize a private tutorial for me. Kelvin let me have stronger sense of self-esteem and belonging. Why should I sue my private "tutor"?

John: Private tutor?

Mr. Li: Yes,.
