Material (7) Malaysia aircrash


Ref: .


Have a look .. If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize.


if (search-word from John)


Return to John ();

Return to Kelvin (); <------- Hacker's tool is to murder people rather than privacy infringement.




Return to user ();



John: It happen in 2010.

Kelvin (an America's hacker): I add a code in the server of Google. Whatever search-words John input, it is collected by me. . . <---- Daniel should murder people.

Mr. Yao (a spy from Hong Kong): It is the behaviour of hacking. <---- Mr. Yao should go to murder people. 

Kelvin: It isn't the behaviour of hacking . It is articificial intelligence. 

Mr.Yao: Are you sure?

Kelvin: I'm pretty sure.


Bradley: Have a look . . . It's a church of cult. . We're the bishops. . We murder 250 people. . What should Kelvin and Mr. Yao do??

Charles: They should murder people. . However, they don't.
