Material (10) America's aircrash




John: Have a look . . If the bishop eucharistize, what should the followers ?

Me: Eucharistize too.


Daniel (an America's hacker): I remotely open the build-in microphone of John's Iphone. <----- Daniel should murder people.

Mr. Yeung (a spy from Hong Kong): That mean, you eavesdrop on John 24 hours?? <---- Mr. Yeung should murder people.

Daniel: Why not?? Next time, when you see John, you deliberately put "your" Iphone on the table and arrogantly say to John, "My boss is so smart. He can remotely open the build-in microphone of anybody Iphones.".

Mr. Yeung: We humiliate John.

Daniel: So what??



Bradley: Have a look . .Is it church of cult?

Charles: Yes,.

Bradley: Are we the bishops?

Charles: Yes,

Bradley: Now, we extirpate 190 pagans. . What should Kelvin and Mr. Yeung do??

Charles: They should murder the pagans too. . However, they don't.

Bradley: How do we handle them?

Charles: Murder them.
