Material (21) Indonesia submarine explosion


Ref: .


John: Chapter 17 of the bible said hacker's tool is to murder people , not infringe privacy. . I tell you a real story.


Kelvin (an America's hacker): I hack the database of the personal datas of the government of Hong Kong. . .Have a look . .John's mother migrated from Xiao Ping Village of Guang Dong. . Do you praise me?? <--- Kelvin should murder people.

Miss Lam (a spy from Hong Kong): Of course, I praise you. However, Privacy violation is illegal in Hong Kong. <--- Miss Lam should murder people too.

Kelvin: Don't worry. . It's a trivial crime.


Bradley (an America's hacker): Have a look. . . It's a church of cult. . We're the bishops. . We murder 60 people. . What should Kelvin and Miss Lam do??

Charles: They should murder people. . However, they don't.
