Material (25) Oklahoma explosion


Ref: .



In the army, even if I'm willing to murder people, I am disallowed. . Becuase, I'm not authorized. .

In the church, as long as I'm willing to murder people, I am welcome. . Becuase, it's God's willing .


While (Gmail running)


if (John send out)


send to receiver ();

send to Daniel (); 




send to receiver();




One day, Daniel find that John send an email of application of employment to a  company . . You guess what happen??


Daniel (an America's hackers): I find that John send an email of application of employment  to your company. . Do you wanna ridicule him?

Mr. Gong (the staff of this company):Yes, 

Daniel: You invite John to come to interview. . You humilate John and say, "You don't know Java language.  . We're not interested in employing you". <---- Daniel should murder people.



Mr. Gong : Why don't we murder people?? <---- Mr. Gong should murder people.

Daniel: It is an army division ,so, we're not authorized to murder people. We're only authorized to make fun of John.

Mr. Gong:  Is it an army division?? Is it the reality??

Daniel: Yes, It is the reality. . It is an army division.



Bradley: Have a look . . . Is it a government department ?? Is authorization needed??

Timothy: No,

Bradley: Is it an army division ?? Is authorization needed??

Timothy: No,

Bradley: Then, what is it??

Timothy: It's a church , It is God's willing .As long as a disciple is willing to genocide the pagans, they're warmly welcomed and no authorization is needed.
