material (41) (( Taiwan train crash ))




John: See . .If the bishop eucharistize, what should the followers do?

Me: They should eucharistize too.

John: Excellent.


Miss Lam (staff of the leisure and cultrual service department of Hong Kong): You use the camera of satellite to peep at John. . John is angry.

Kelvin (an America's hacker): So what ?? I love to. <---- Kelvin should murder people.

Miss Lam: John will complain. <---- Miss Lam should murder people too.

Kelvin: You tell him that it is his unexplicable fault. . Therefore, he is being hacked.

Miss Lam: I can do that for you. However, Albert and Charles are killing the pagans. We should kill the pagans too.


Kelvin: Albert and Charles are terrorists. Therefore, they kill the pagans. We're hackers. Therefore, we don't kill the pagans. Note: Here, pagans refer to John.

Miss Lam: Are you sure?

Kelvin: I'm pretty sure.



Charles (an America's hacker): Have a look. . .It is a church of cult.  We're the bishops. . Now, we murder 60 pagans, what should Kelvin and Miss Lam do??

Albert: They should murder the pagans too. . However, they don't.

Charles: Why don't they murder the pagans?

Albert: They say they're hackers. They're not terrorists. Therefore, they don't murder the pagans.

Charles: How do we handle them?

Albert: We murder them.
