Material (44) - Poisonou Gas (San Diego)
Ref: .
John: Have a look . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do?
Me: They should eucharistize too.
John: Excellent. It happen in the year of 2008.
while (the server of Google's search is running)
if (the request of search is from John)
return to the person who request();
return to Kelvin (); <--- Kelvin add an extra code here.
return to the person who request ();
Kelvin: I add an extra code on the server of Google. .If the request of search is from John, it will return to John . It will return to me as well.
Miss Wong (a spy from Hong Kong): Oh! It is amazing. <---- Who is Miss Wong? Take a look at this article . .
Kelvin click a button. The search-words of John appear in the monitor of the notebook of Kelvin.
Kelvin: See. They're the search-words of John.
Miss Wong: It's amazing.
Kelvin: Yes, it's amazing. So, when you see John, you arrogantly soliloquize in front of John "My boss is so impolite to Google". .👹👹
Miss Wong: Why are you impolite to Google?
Kelvin: I hack the server of Google. Am I not impolite to Google?
Miss Wong: Yes,. You're impolite to Google. However, here's a question.
Kelvin: What?
Miss Wong: Have a look . . Bradley use the poisonous gas to kill 40 people in San Diego. We should murder people too.
Kelvin: Are you insane. Bradley is a cult. Of course, he murder people.
Miss Wong: Then, what're we?
Kelvin: We're hackers. Therefore, we never murder a sinlge person.
Bradley: Have a look . . . It's a church of cult. We're the bishops. Now, We use poisonous gas to kill 40 people. What should Kelvin and Miss Wong do?
Charles: They should murder people too. However, they don't.
Bradley: Why don't they murder people?
Charles: They say they're hackers. Therefore, they don't murder a single person.
Bradley: That mean I'm a sect who kill people. And then, they're hackers who never kill a single person.
Chalres: Yes,.
Bradley: How do we handle them?
Charles: Murder them.
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