Material (115) Syria chemical attack (heavenly obligation and earthly example)


Ref: .


John: It is illegal for Kelvin to create an earthly example and it is illegal for us to learn from an earthly example from Kelvin.

Me: So, what's legal?

John: Go to fullfil the heavenly obligations. That mean, to Genocide as many pagans as possible. Why ? Because, earthly example is dirty and heavenly obligation is clean.


It happen in the year of 2009.


Kelvin: Listen to this audio's record. I remotely open the build-in microphone of the cellular phone of John. I record it.

Miss Wong (a spy from Hong Kong): Oh! It's amazing. However, why do you demonstrate it to me?

Kelvin: John is an example of being hacked. In this example, you're gonna learn how to hack a cellular phone. Don't you thank me a lots?

Miss Wong: I thank you a lots.


John: You guess what happen 3 months after?

Me: I don't know.


Miss Wong (very angry): Haven't you said that John being hacked is a good example and then I can learn from this example. You haven't taught me how to hack a cellular phone yet.

Kelvin: Your educational background is bad.

Miss Wong: Who say that? I've got a doctor degree from the university of Hong Kong.

Kelvin: Is it good?

Miss Wong: If it isn't good, how is good?


John: The matter isn't over yet.

Me: How?


One day, Bradley see Kelvin,


Bradley: Look. . I fullfil the heavenly obligation of killing 1,000 people. You never fullfil the heavenly obligation.

Kelvin: John being hacked is a good example.

Bradley: My hacking techniques is so high that I can even hack an airplane. I don't need your example.

Kelvin: You don't need this example. Miss Wong need it, cause, she isn't able to hack a cellular phone. 

Bradley take a deep breath and say,

Bradley: It is illegal for you to create an earthly example. It is illegal for Miss Wong to learn from an earthly example provided by you.

Kelvin: I haven't taught Miss Wong how to hack a cellular phone. Her educational background is bad.


John: The matter isn't over yet.

Me: How?


Charles (another bishop of the church of the Yandelists): Kelvin create an earthly example. It is illegal. Kelvin should fullfil the Godly obligations by genociding as many pagans as possible.

Bradley: However, Kelvin excuse that he hasn't taught Miss Wong how to hack a cellular phone, cause, the educational background of Miss Wong is bad.

Charles: The point isn't whether Kelvin has taught Miss Wong how to hack a cellular phone yet or not. The point is that Kelvin isn't allowed to hack John and then demonstrate it to Miss Wong. 

Bradley: You mean creating an earthly example is illegal.

Charles: Yes,. Earthly example is dirty and Godly obligation is clean.

Bradley: How do we handle them?

Charles: Murder them.
