Material (52) - (explosion) France - Allahu Akbar (2015)


Ref: .


Chapter 17 of the bible said the disciples of Yandelists never randomly attack. The disciples of Yandelists directly genocide the pagans. Why ?? Because, the God is mighty . 


Have a look. . 140 people died in an attack in Paris.


John: There are only 2 officiers at the custom, however, every day there're over 10,000 people passing the customs.The man-power isn't sufficient.  How are 2 customs' officers able to inspect 10,000 people ??  No, these 2 customs' officers aren't able . Consequently, these 2 customs' officers resort to random inspection.

Me: You're correct. However, the disciples of Yandelists never randomly attack. The disciples of Yandelists directly genocide the pagans.

John: Why??

Me: Because, the God of Yandelists is mighty . Why do the disciples of Yandelists need to resort to random attack ? Of course, the disciples of Yandelists directly genocide the pagans.

John: During the incident of Paris, the disciples of Yandelists randomly attack. 

Me: What make you think so??

John: If it is a genocide, there should be 500 people dying. . If only 140 people dying, it is a random attack.

Me: Look at the articles. . The articles say, a religious extremer scream out "Allahu Akbar".  Allahu Akbar mean God is greater or God is greatest. Since, the God is mighty, do the extremer need to resort to random attack ?

John: No, they don't need to .

Me: Correct. During the incident of Paris, the extremers genocide the pagans instead of random attack. 
