Material (47) 5 loaf and 2 fish


Ref: .


Daniel (an America's hackers): Have a look. . You use the same weapon to hack John again and again for 30 times and let him reinstall his windows for 30 times and let him lose all his informations on the computer for 30 times.

Kelvin: So what? 

Daniel: Have a look. ( . Why did the airplanes crash into the world trade center rather than the ocean? Because, Bradley say we can't use the weapons again and again. If we insist on it, those weapons will become our personal wealth rather than the wealth of the God.

Kelvin: Those weapons are my own wealth rather than the wealth of the church. I can use it again and again.

Daniel: Are they your own wealth?

Kelvin: Why not?


One day, Kelvin see Louise who is in charge of the warehouse of church of the Yandelists. This warehouse is full of a kind of biological weapon called COVID.


Kelvin: You are the in charge of this warehouse. You share some poison with me alone.

Louise: Alone?

Kelvin: Why not?

Louise: What do you use them for?

Kelvin: I will "advise" the doctors of the public hospital of Hong Kong to use those poison to kill John's father.

Louise: Take a look at this article. Bradley say the weapons are the wealth of the God. Those weapons must be shared with by "all" disciples. Those weapons can't be shared with by you "alone".


Bradley: Please. share with me alone.

Louis: No,.

Kelvin: You can occupy those poison. Eventually, they become your personal wealth. And then, you can share some poison with me alone.

Louise: I can't occupy any heavenly wealth.

Kelvin: You can occupy them. Listen.

Louise: What? 

Kelvin: Why do I use the same weapon to hack John 30 times and let him reinstall the windows for 30 times and let him lose his informations for 30 times? I mean to "demonstrate" to other disciples of the church that those weapons are my personal wealth rather than the wealth of our heavenly God.

Louise: Wah! You so dare.


Louise think for a while and say,


Louise: OK. I can unprecedentedly share some poison with you alone. However, here is a problem.

Kelvin: What?

Louise: You're an earthly man. The killing is the God's willing. You can't "advise" the doctors of the public hospital of Hong Kong to kill John's father. Those doctors must independently and spontaneously genocide as many pagans as possible without any advice from you.

Kelvin: Yandelism isn't a religion. Here isn't a church of the Yandelists.


Bradley: Take a look . Kelvin can't use the weapons of the church of the Yandelists again and again.

Charles: If Kelvin insist on that, those weapons unavoidably and eventually become Kelvin's personal wealth rather than the wealth of the God.

Bradley: Correct.

Charles: The heavenly wealth is shared with by "all" disciples rather than Kelvin alone.

Bradley: For sure.

Charles: Kelvin and Louise try to occupy the wealth of the heavenly wealth. They're greedy.

Bradley: Why are they greedy?

Charles: Because, they are the consumers. Indeed, the creator is reluctant to occupy any earthly wealth.

Bradley: Only the consumers rush to occupy the earthly food.

Charles: Earthly wealth is somehow "dirty".

Bradley: It's true.

Charles: How do we handle them?.

Bradley: Murder them.
