Material (73) - The aircrash of Taiwan (1994)


Ref: .


1) If it is a black-list, I'm the department of intelligence, I'm not gonna teach you the hacker's techniques. 
2) If it is an example, I'm a professor of university,  I'm gonna teach you the hacking techniques
John: Mr. Tsang is my neighbour. He is a taxi driver. On day, Mr. Tsang is at the hospital.
Kelvin: Grasp this poison. Mr. Tsang is John's neighbour. You use them to kill Mr. Tsang. 
Mr. Yeung (a doctor from the public hospital of Hong Kong): Why does Mr. Tsang die only?
Kelvin: The death of Mr. Tsang is a good earthly example. Of course, only Mr. Tsang die. In this example, you guys learn how to hack the database of the hospital, and, learn how to eavesdrop on Mr. Tsang, and, learn how to use the poison. Don't you guys thank me?
Mr. Yeung: Yes, we do thank you.
Kelvin: Excellent. After Mr. Tsang die, you guys lie that he die from suicide.
1) You teach Mr. Yeung how to hack the database of the hospital. 
2) You teach Mr. Yeung how to eavesdrop on Mr. Tsang. 
3) You teach Mr. Yeung how to use the poison.
Kelvin: No, I deny all the allegation.
John: If you didn't intend to teach Mr. Yeung the hacker's techniques and how to use the poison, why did you tell Mr. Yeung "The death of Mr. Tsang is an example?" Why don't you say that Mr. Tsang is a black list ?
Kelvin: Mr. Tsang is just a taxi driver. How can Mr. Tsang be a black list .
John: Look . . Early in the year of 1994, Bradley is already able to hack a Taiwan airplane. The hacking techniques of Bradley is very high. Does Bradley need Kelvin to give him any earthly example?
Me: No, Bradley doesn't need it. In the eyes of Bradley, the hacking techniques of Kelvin is just a small potatoes. Yandelism is a religion. What Bradley need Kelvin to do is to fullfil the heavenly obligations.
John: Then,why Mr. Yeung need Kelvin to give him an example?
Me: Because, Mr. Yeung isn't able to hack the database of the hospital and isn't able to eavesdrop on Mr. Tsang.  Therefore, Mr. Yeung need Kelvin to give him an example.
John: Yes,.
John: It is illegal for Kelvin to create any earthly example. It is illegal for Mr. Yeung  to learn from any earthly example provided by Kelvin.
Me: So, what's legal?
John: Fullfil the heavenly obligation of genociding the pagans.
