Material (75) (Turkish aircrash) revenge and opposition (10)


John: See.  Eucharistize. . If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should we do??
Me: They should follow-suit. They shouldn't protest.
John: See the above picture. During the battle of Okinama shima, the soldiers of backline just use a rifle.
Me: OK.
John: Jackson is a soldier of frontline. One day, he drop an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. Nelson is a soldier of backline. Based on the regulations of army, Nelson isn't allowed to use the atomic bomb. However, should Nelson have a sense of unfairness ? Should Nelson take secret revenge? Should Nelson be opposed to the idea of killing the Japs ? 
Me: No, Nelson shouldn't. Nelson should have a sense of brotherhood. Neslon should be whole-heartly involved. Nelson should openly agree with the idea of killing the Japs.
John: This idea is unanimous inside the army of US.
Me: Correct.
Bradley (the bishops of the church of Yandelists): See it. . Is it a church?
Albert (another bishop of the church of Yandelists): Yes,.
Bradley: Is our religion a cult?
Albert: Yes, it is.
Bradley: Excellent. Now, we genocide 200 pagans. As a pious disciple, what should Kelvin and Daniel do?
Albert: They should murder the pagans too. However, they don't. They protest.

Kelvin (an America's hacker): See this hacker's package. It's amazing. When I press a button, whoever give a phone-call to John must receive a response "This phone number is suspended".  If you wanna learn the hacker's techniques, marvellous. You must say loudily "Kelvin done a great jobs. John deserve to be hacked."

Daniel (another America's hacker): However, Bradley and Albert  murder the pagans. I must murder the pagans too.


Kelvin: Are you allowed to use Bradley's weapons?

Daniel: No, I'm not allowed.

Kelvin: Excellent. It is unfair to you. 

Daniel: Unfair?

Kelvin: Yes, . So, You must take a secret revenge. You are opposed to Bradley's and Albert's "idea" of "murdering" the pagans. 

Daniel: How am I opposed to it?

Kelvin: You protest. You strive for justice. You shout loudily , "  I humiliate those pagans (John). I'm correct. Bradley and Albert murder the those pagans (the passengers of the Turkish airplane). Bradley is incorrect. ". 


Daniel think for a while and say,


Daniel: If I feel unfair, I can leave the church of Yandelists. I shouldn't protest. This idea is unanimous inside the church of Yandelists.

Kelvin: Do you wanna learn the hacker's techniques ? 

Daniel: I drool.

Kelvin: Marvellous. You just do what I request.



One day, Albert is so angry. He pat on the desk top and scream,


Albert: Daniel say that we murder the pagans (the passengers on the Turkish airplanes). We're incorrect. And, he humiliate the pagans (John). He is correct. He feel unfair. He take secret revenge. He is opposed to the idea of killing the pagans.

Bradley: Daniel isn't allowed to use our weapons.

Albert: What weapon?

Bradley: The weapon to hack a Turkish airplane and then let it crash.

Albert: OK. See the above picture. During the battle of Okinawa Shima, soldiers only use the rifle. They didn't use an atomic bomb. If Daniel intend to kill the pagans, he can use a rifle too. Daniel doesn't need our weapons.

Bradley: Correct.

Albert: See it. <>. During the massacre of Algeria, the culprit just use a rifle. And then, 50 people died.

Bradley: Correct.

Albert: Why should Daniel need our weapons? Why should Daniel feel unfair? OK. If Daniel feel unfair, Daniel can leave the church of Yandelists. Daniel need not "Protest".

Bradley: Correct.


Albert: Daniel should have a sense of brotherhood. Daniel should be whole-heartly involved. Daniel should openly agree with the "idea" of killing the heathens, because, it is an unanimous idea of the church of Yandelists.


Bradley: How do we handle him?

Albert: Murder him.
