
Showing posts from May, 2024

Material (86) - bribery and spying (8)

Image   . Ref:  . . . . John: See.  Eucharistize. . If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should we do?? Me: Follow-suit. . John: I explain the above picture. There're 2 curve. The curve of green color is non-warfare. The curve of red color is warfare. Let's start with the curve of non-warfare. Me: OK. John: If I commit a non-serious crime, e.g., opening an illegal casino, I may bribe a judiciary personnels and those judiciary personnels will become a spy.  Me: OK. John: However, If I commit a serious crime, e.g., mass-murdering, I won't bribe a judiciary personnel and no judiciary personnels will be a spy. Me: OK. . John: Now, we compare the curve of non-warfare and warfare. . Me: OK. . John:  During a non-warfare, if it is a

Material (85) - (Alaska aircrash) mutual belief

Image . Ref:   . . Eucharistize. .  . 1) If the bishop has eucharistized already, the disciples must eucharistize. 2) If the bishop hasn't eucharistized yet, the disciples may pend. . John: I explain the above picture. There isn't any blood-shed during a cold-war.  There's "property and materialism" and a sense of jealousy.  . Me: Me: However, if it is a real-war, here's blood-shed. It is spirit and belief. Here's Mutual belief. . John: Correct. Cold-war is equal to that "the bishop has not yet eucharistized". Real-war is equal to that "the bishop has already eucharistized". During the cold war between the Soviet and America, Pavel is the commander of the troops of Soviets. Would Pavel said to Gronof who

Material (84) - (Ukraine aircrash) - Revenge and opposition . Ref: . John: See.  Eucharistize. . If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should we do?? Me: We should follow-suit. We shouldn't protest. . John: During the US-Japs war, Jackson is a soldier of frontline. He drop an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. Meanwhile, Peter is a soldier of backline. Based on the regulations of the army of US, Peter isn't allowed to use the atomic bomb. Me: However, can Peter have a sense of unfairness ? Can Peter take secret revenge ? Can Peter be opposed to the "idea" of killing the Japs? Can Peter protest ? John (shaking head): No, Peter can't do that. Even though Peter isn't allowed to use the atomic bombs, Peter should have a sense of brotherhood. Peter should be whole-heartly involved. Peter

Material (83) - "suppression and thank" "suppression of the nature of animals"

Image . Ref:  . . . . John: This article ( ) talk about pack hunting.    If it is bloody, we participate in it. If it isn't a bloody murdering, we don't participate in.  However, there's an exception. Me: What? John: A war. See the third picture. When wolf A is killing a lamb, "wolf B,C,D" can't participate in it, because, there's a wire fence which seperate "wolf B, C, D" from wolf A. The nature of "wolf B,C,D" is being suppressed. Consequently, "wolf B, C, D" howl, " The lamb deserve to die. Sucking the lamb's blood is inevitable ". It is a release from suppression. During the Soviet-German war,  Basil is a backline soldiers. According to the regulations of German troops, a backline solider'

Material (82) - (The explosion of India) telling lies and religious jihad 2008

Image . Ref: . . John: See.  Eucharistize. . If the bishops genocide pagans, as a pious disciple, what should he do? Me: He should extirpate the pagans. . John: Let me explain the above picture. The lesser the blood shed, the more lying. The more the blood shed, the more approaching the Jihad is. I give you an example.  Me: OK. John: Hirilia is a mafia in US. Benny is a member. One day, he smuggle a batch of illegal cigar from Cuba to US. However, Benny deny the allegations of smuggling.  Me: Denying the allegations of smuggling is lying. John: Yes, . Denying the allegations of smuggling is lying. Ford is another member of Hirilia too. Ford declare to the rest of the members " I encourage you guys to tell as many lies as possible. ". Me: OK. . . John: Charles is a bishop of the church of Yandelists. See i

Material (81) (Argentinia's aircrash) Telling lies and religious Jihad

Image   . Ref:   . . John: See.  Eucharistize. . If the bishops genocide pagans, as a pious disciple, what should he do? Me: He should extirpate the pagans. . John: Let me explain the above picture. The lesser the blood shed, the more lying. The more the blood shed, the more approaching the Jihad is. I give you an example.  Me: OK. John: Hirilia is a mafia in US. Benny is a member. One day, he smuggle a batch of illegal cigar from Cuba to US. However, Benny deny the allegations of smuggling.  Me: Denying the allegations of smuggling is lying. John: Yes, . Denying the allegations of smuggling is lying. Ford is another member of Hirilia too. Ford declare to the rest of the members " I encourage you guys to tell as many lies as possible. ". Me: OK. . . John: See it.

Material (80) (Cyprus's aircrash) Revenge and opposition (3) .  Ref: . . John: See.  Eucharistize. . If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should we do?? Me: They should follow-suit. They shouldn't protest. . John: During the US-Japs war, Jackson is a soldier of frontline. He drop an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. Meanwhile, Peter is a soldier of backline. Based on the regulations of the army of US, Peter isn't allowed to use the atomic bomb. Me: However, can Peter have a sense of unfairness ? Can Peter take secret revenge ? Can Peter be opposed to the "idea" of killing the Japs? Can Peter protest ? John (shaking head): No, Peter can't do that. Even though Peter isn't allowed to use the atomic bombs, Peter should have a sense of brotherhood. Peter should be whole-heartly

Material (79) - suppression and thank

Image . Ref:   . . . During the US-Japs war, Jackson is a soldier of frontline. He drop an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. 100 thousands people die.  Meanwhile, Peter is a soldier of backline. Based on the regulations of the army of US, Peter isn't allowed to move to the frontline. However, should Peter say " The explosion of Nagasaki isn't done by me. If you wanna blame, you blame Jackson. "? No, Peter shouldn't say that. Peter should comfort, thank, encourage Jackson. Peter should say " Hey! Jackson. You done a great jobs. ". . = John: During the year 2020, Dave use the poison to murder 100 thousands pagans. Poison refer to COVID. Can you imagine that the followings happen in the same year ? . . Kelvin (an America's hackers): This camera hack the satellite of America.  Do you see a person who is wearing a r

Material (78) - (Hong Kong fire) . Ref: . . John: See.  . If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should you do?? Me: Follow-suit. . John: See. . 50 people died   . . You guess what happen?? Me: What?? . Kelvin: I know that John's telephone number has been changed. . I press a button. . When John login his email account, there's a reminding that John should update John's telephone number. . <--- Kelvin should murder people. Mr. Lee (a government officials of Hong Kong): John has an account in social welfare department . . Can "you" press a button, and then, when John login his account in social welfare department, there will be a reminding that John should update his telephone number?? <--- Mr. Lee should murder people too. Kelvin: Yes, I ca

Material (77) - suppression and thank

Image   .  . Ref:   . . John: See.  Eucharistize. . If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should we do?? Me: Follow-suit. . During the US-Japs war, Jackson is a soldier of frontline. Jackson drop an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. 100 thousands people die.  Meanwhile, Peter is a soldier of backline. Based on the regulations of the troops of America, Peter isn't allowed to move to the frontline.  Should Peter say " The explosion of Nagasaki isn't done by me. If you wanna blame, you blame Jackson. " ?  No, Peter shouldn't say so. Peter should comfort and thank Jackson, and, say " Hey! Jackson. You really done a great jobs. ". . . Dave is an America's hacker. During the year of 2020, he use the poison to murder many pagans. Poison refer to COVID. However, can you imagine that t

Material (76) - suppression and thank

Image . Ref:   . . John: This article ( ) said, in animals monde, if it is bloody, anmials participate in.   If it isn't bloody, anmials don't participate in.  However, there's exception.  Me: What? John: War.  . 1) If it is a terrorist' attack, there isn't any hierarchy and sector. There's common spirit and brotherhood. 2) However, if it is a war, there's hierarchy and sector. There is different jobs and participants. . ================ . During the US-Japs war,  Jackson is the soldier of frontline. Jackson drop an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. Meanwhile, Peter is a soldier of backline. Based on the regulation of US army, Peter isn't allowed to advance to the frontline. However, should Peter say ," The explosion of Nagasaki  isn't done