Material (86) - (COVID) bribery and spying (8)


Me: Look.  . Yandel is a religious belief rather than a military unit.
John: I absolutely agree with you. It happen in the year of 2021.

Kelvin (2021): This camera hack the satellite of America. It focus on John's balcony.

Mr. Yeung (the staff of housing department of Hong Kong):  Can the angle be changed? 

Kelvin: Yes, the angle can be changed. I press a button. The camera can focus on Mrs. Ma's balcony . Do you see that Mrs. Ma is smoking at her balcony ?? <---- Note: Mrs. Ma is John's neighbour.

Mr. Yeung: Yes, I do see it.

Kelvin: If you wanna learn how to hack the satellite, excellent . You post a notice on the entrance of the building. The notice say "Nobody should smoke at the balcony. You can be observed".

Mr. Yeung: You must promise me that you will teach me the hacker's techniques after I do that.

Kelvin:I promise.

Mr. Yeung: Deal.


John: OK. That's it. 2021. Bradley is the bishop of the church of the Yandelists. Bradley use the poison to genocide millions pagans. Why didn't Mr. Yeung follow suit?.


1) Mr. Yeung didn't know that Bradley genocide the pagans.

2) Bradley didn't tell Mr. Yeung that he genocide the pagans. 

3) Therefore, Mr. Yeung didn't know what he should follow suit.


John (shaking head): You're wrong.

Me: Am I ?

John: Yes,. Take a look.   . Yandel is a religion  instead of a military unit. If "Yandel" is a military unit, if Mr. Yeung is a soliders of low hierarchy,  "reasonably", Mr. Yeung is not permit to know what Bradley, the commander, did. "Reasonably", Mr. Yeung didn't know what he should follow suit.  


Me: Ok.

John: Inside an army, there is hierarchy.  However, inside a sect, there is no hierarchy.

Me: If there is no hierarchy inside a sect, what will be there inside a sect ?

John: Inside a sect, between the disciples , there is "only" a  common belief which is " To genocide as many pagans as possible. ".


John: Look.  . "However", is Yandel a military unit?

Me (shaking head): No, Yandel isn't a military unit . Y andel is a "Sect". Mr. Yeung is naturally permit to know what Bradley, the bishop, is doing.  Here is no hierarchy in the church of the Yandelists.  Indeed, Bradley "has" already told all the disciples including Mr. Yeung what Bradley is doing now.  

Me: Therefore, Mr. Yeung should follow suit.  Mr. Yeung should murder as many pagans as possible.


John: Why don't you murder the pagans as if what Bradley did in COVID?

Mr. Yeung: My role is a spy. I'm bribed by someone. My role isn't to kill the pagans .


John: Is Mr. Yeung's explanation reasonable?

Me: No, Mr. Yeung's explanation is ridiculous.


1) If "Bradley" commit a trivial crime, eg opening an illegal casino, Bradley may bribe the judiciary personnels and then those judiciary personnels become the spies for Bradley.


John: "Now", Bradley commit an extremely serious crime which is mass murdering. Over 10 millions heathens died. Would Bradley bribe Mr. Yeung?

Me: No, Bradley wouldn't bribe Mr. Yeung.

John: Would Mr. Yeung become a spy for Bradley?

Me: No, Mr. Yeung wouldn't become a spy for Bradley.

John: What Bradley request Mr. Yeung to do is to fullfill the heavenly obligation of genociding as many pagans as possible. 

Me: Correct.

John: However, Mr. Yeung ignore our heavenly God. And then, Mr. Yeung excuse, "I'm bribed by someone. I become a spy for someone. ". <--- Bradley isn't running an illegal casino.

Me: It's ridiculous.

John: How do we handle him ?

Me: Divine punishment (murder him).

John: Allahu Akbar..
