Material (86) - bribery and spying (8)


John: See.  Eucharistize. . If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should we do??
Me: Follow-suit.
John: I explain the above picture. There're 2 curve. The curve of green color is non-warfare. The curve of red color is warfare. Let's start with the curve of non-warfare.
Me: OK.
John: If I commit a non-serious crime, e.g., opening an illegal casino, I may bribe a judiciary personnels and those judiciary personnels will become a spy. 
Me: OK.
John: However, If I commit a serious crime, e.g., mass-murdering, I won't bribe a judiciary personnel and no judiciary personnels will be a spy.
Me: OK.
John: Now, we compare the curve of non-warfare and warfare.
Me: OK.
During a non-warfare, if it is a murdering of small quanity, the percentage of bribery and spying is 25. 
However, during a warfare, if it is a murdering of small quantity, the percentage of bribery and spying is 60. 
Why is the percentage of bribery and spying of warfare much higher than that of non-warfare? 
Me: Because, in the eyes of the culprit, murdering of small quantity is legal in warfare.
John: OK. When the seriousness of crime rise to mass-murdering, no matter it is a warfare or non-warfare, the percentage of bribery and spying drop down to zero. Why?
Me: Because,  in the eyes of the culprit, mass-murdering can hardly be legal even in a warfare.
During the year of 2020, many people die from COVID. However, the followings happen.

Kelvin: This camera hack the satellite of America.  It focus on John's balcony.

Mr. Yeung (the staff of housing department of Hong Kong):  Can the angle be changed? 

Kelvin: Yes, the angle can be changed.  I press a button. The camera can focus on Mrs. Ma's balcony.  Do you see that Mrs. Ma is smoking at her balcony ?? <---- Note: Mrs. Ma is John's neighbour.

Mr. Yeung: Yes, I do see it.

Kelvin: If you wanna learn how to hack the satellite, excellent. You post a notice on the entrance of the building, saying, "Nobody should smoke at the balcony. You can be observed".

Mr. Yeung: I can do that. However, Dave use the poison to kill the pagans. I must kill the pagans too.



Note: Dave is another America's hackers. Poison refer to COVID.


Kelvin: Your jobs isn't to kill the pagans. Your jobs is spying. You're bribed by me.


Mr. Yeung: If it is a non-serious crime, e.g., opening an illegal casino, bribery and spying are reasonable.  Over 10 millions people die from COVID. It is a mass-murdering. Bribery and spying sound ridiculous. My jobs can't be spying. I can't be bribed by you. My jobs must be killing the pagans.


Kelvin: It is a warfare. Murdering, bribery and spying can co-exist.


Mr. Yeung: The mortality of COVID is so high that it is up to the seriousness of mass-murdering. Therefore, Bribery and spying isn't acceptable. How can I be a spy?  How can I be bribed by you ? My jobs must be kiling the pagans.


Kelvin: Murdering, bribery, spying can co-exist. You just listen to me.


John: Why don't you murder the pagans?

Mr. Yeung: My job is spying.  I'm bribed by Kelvin. My job isn't to murder the pagans.

John: It is a mass-murdering. Bribery and spying is ridiculous.



One day, Ivan is so angry. He pat on the desk top and scream,


Ivan: Mr. Yeung never participate in killing the pagans.


Bradley: The jobs of Mr. Yeung is spying. He is bribed by Kelvin.  Why should he participate in killing the pagans?


Ivan: Over 10 millions people die from COVID. It is a mass-murdering. No matter it is a warfare or non-warfare, bribery and spying don't seem to be possible. Mr. Yeung can't be a spy who is bribed by Kelvin. The jobs of Mr. Yeung must be killing the pagans.


Bradley: How do we handle Kelvin and Mr. Yeung?


Ivan: Murder them.

