Material (91) - Covid (10 millions people die)





John: This article mention the difference between "public lecture", "laboratory class" and "private tutorial".

Me: OK.

John: COVID claim the lives of 10 millions people. 1000 America's spy including Biden know that COVID is done by Bradley. COVID resemble a public lecture.


Kelvin: Look at this camera. It hack the satellite of America. 

Biden: Oh! It's amazing.

Kelvin: Do you see that John is riding a bicycle at the avenue?

Biden: Yes,.

Kelvin: Good. Tomorrow, you humiliate him. You intentionally ride a bicycle at St. Louise Rd. When you reach the corner, you stop by and look at the sky and soliloquize in the manner of arrogance "Oh! the eyes of the sky is so powerful.". I will ask the photographers to take a video for you.

Biden: Wait a minute. 1000 America's spy including me know that COVID is done by Bradley. It's a public lecture. However, now, except me, no other spies know that John is hacked by you. It is simply a private tutorial.

Kelvin: In the public lecture, you must self study. In the public lecture, you can't get detailed education.  Are you happy with public lecture?

Biden: No,. I'm not happy with public lecture. I look for private tutorial.

Kelvin: Good. Now, I organize a private tutorial for you. You just leave other 1000 America's spies alone. You just let them be ignorant of John being hacked by me.


John: Bradley extirpate millions heathens. Why don't you sue Bradley?

Biden: 1000 spies of America know that COVID is done by Bradley. I'm not the only one who know that. Why should I pioneer suing Bradley?

John: Ok. If you don't sue Bradley, you should go to kill the pagans as if what Bradley did in COVID.

Biden: 1000 spies of America know that COVID is done by Bradley. I'm not the only one who know that. Why should I pioneer killing the pagans?


John: However, now, except you, no other spies know that Kelvin use the satellite to infringe me. Why don't you sue Kelvin?

Biden: Kelvin organize a private tutorial for me and let me have a strong sense of belonging and self-esteem. Why should I sue my private "Tutor" ? I thank Kelvin very much.

John: Private "Tutor"?

Biden: Yes,.


