Material (91) - The nature of animals (Pack hunting)






John: In the first picture, wolf A isn't murdering the porcupine. Wolf A is occupying the porcupine's lair   Why don't "wolf B, C, D" participate in occupying the porcupine's lair?
Me: Occupying a lair isn't a big deal.  It isn't bloody.  "Wolf B, C, D" can't have a strong sense of enemy .Therefore, "wolf B, C, D" don't participate in it.
John: Good. In the second picture, wolf A is killing the lamb. While wolf A is doing it, "wolf B, C, D" immediately participate in it. Why ?
Me: Killing a lamb is "bloody". It is a big deal. "Wolf B, C, D" have a strong sense of enemy. Thus, "wolf B, C, D" participate in it. 
John: In animals' monde, if it is bloody, the animals participate in. 
If it isn't bloody, the animals don't participate in. 
It is called Pack hunting
Me: Yes.

John: See. Eucharist. . If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should you do??
Me: Participate in it.
John: Terrific.
John: Dave is an America's hacker. During the year of 2020, Dave use the poison to murder a lots of pagans. Poison refer to COVID.
Me: OK.
John: However, can you imagine that the followings happen in the same year ?
Kelvin (an America's hacker): See this camera. It hack the satellite of America. Through it, you see that John is riding a bicycle at the street. Tomorrow, you humiliate John. You intentionally ride a bicycle at St. Lousie Road. When you reach the corner, you stop and look at the sky and soliloquize "Oh ! the eyes of the sky is so wonderful.". <--- Note: the eyes of the sky refer to the satellite.
Biden (the president of America): I will humiliate him definitely . However, me and Dave are wolf. Me and Dave are the disciples of the church of Yandelists. If Dave kill the pagans, I must kill the pagans. 
Kelvin: Dave is the low-IQ animals. You're the high-IQ human. Thus, when he hunt, you don't participate in it. You say loudily "The low-IQ Dave use the poison to kill the pagans. He is stupid. I'm the high-IQ human. I hack the satellite and then I humiliate the pagans (John). I'm clever. "
Biden: Dave is the disciple of the church of the Yandelists. If I do that, I will irritate Dave and then I will disrespect the church of Yandelism.
Kelvin: Do you wanna learn how to hack the satellite? If yes, you just do what I request.

One day, Ivan is very angry. He pat on the desk top and scream,
Ivan: Biden and Dave are the disciples of the church of Yandelists. Dave kill a lots of pagans. However, Biden never murder a single pagans.
Bradley (the bishop of the church of the Yandelists): Biden say he is the high-IQ human. And then, we're the low-IQ animals.
Ivan: Are we?
Bradley: Of course, we aren't.
Ivan: How do we handle a person who never respect our church?
Bradley: Murder him. 
