Material (88) - (COVID kill 10 millions people) Revenge and opposition


John: See.  Eucharistize. . If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should we do??
Me: We should follow-suit. We shouldn't "Protest".
John: During the US-Japs war, Jackson is a soldier of frontline. He drop an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. Meanwhile, Peter is a soldier of backline. Based on the regulations of the army of US, Peter isn't allowed to use the atomic bomb.
Me: However, can Peter have a sense of unfairness ? Can Peter take secret revenge ? Can Peter be opposed to the "idea" of killing the Japs? Can Peter protest ?
John (shaking head): No, Peter can't do that. Even though Peter isn't allowed to use the atomic bombs, Peter should have a sense of brotherhood. Peter should be whole-heartly involved. Peter should openly agree with the "idea" of killing the Japs.  Peter should welcome it.
Me: This idea is unanimous with inside the whole army.
John: Of course. If Peter feel unfair, Peter can leave the army. Nobody force him to stay in the army.

During the year of 2020, many people die from COVID. However, the followings happen.

Kelvin: This camera hack the satellite of America. Do you see a person chatting with John? His name is Mr. N.

Mr. Yang (a doctor from the public hospital of Hong Kong): So?

Kelvin: Do you wanna learn how to hack the satellite?

Mr. Yang: Everybody want it. I'm not exempted.


Kelvin: Excellent. In the hospital, room 333 is a room where dead body is placed temporarily. Next time, when Mr. N come to the hospital. You push Mr. N to Room 333, and then, you leave. You humiliate Mr. N.

Mr. Yang: I can do that. However, Dave is using the poison to kill the pagans. I need  to kill the pagans too. <------ Poison refer to COVID.

Kelvin: Are you allowed to use the poison?

Mr. Yang: No, I'm not allowed.

Kelvin: Excellent. It is unfair to you. So, You must take a secret revenge. You are opposed to the "idea" of killing the pagans. You protest. You strive for justice. After you push Mr. N to room 333, you shout loudily, " I humiliate those pagans (John and Mr. N). I'm correct. Dave kill those pagans (the victims of COVID). Dave is incorrect ".


Mr. Yang think for a while and say,


Mr.Yang: If I feel unfair, I can leave the church of Yandelists. I shouldn't protest. This idea is unanimous inside the church of Yandelists.


Kelvin: Do you wanna learn how to hack the satellite? 

Mr. Yang: I drool.

Kelvin: Marvellous. You just do what I request.


One day, Dave is so angry. He pat on the desk top and scream,


Dave: Mr. Yang never murder a single heathen.

Bradley: Mr. Yang isn't allowed to use the poison.

Dave: Let me tell you something. Let's see it first. ( The gunman is a disciple of the church of the Yandelists too. This disciple just use a gun to murder 40 pagans. Mr. Yang is also the disciple of the church of the Yandelists too. Mr. Yang can use a gun to murder the pagans.  Mr. Yang doesn't need our weapons. 

Bradley: Correct.

Dave: If Mr. Yang feel unfair, Mr. Yang can leave the church of Yandelists. Mr. Yang shouldn't "Protest".

Bradley: Correct.


Dave: Mr. Yang should have a sense of brotherhood. Mr. Yang should be whole-heartly involved. Mr. Yang should openly agree with the "idea" of killing the heathens, because, it is an unanimous idea of the church of Yandelists.


Bradley: How do we handle him?

Dave: Murder him.
