Material (92) (India aircrash)

John: Have a look. . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do?
Me: They should eucharistize too.
John: Excellent.
While (the server of email is running)
if (John send an email)
send to the receiver();
send to the account of email of Kelvin (); <--- Kelvin add an extra code here.
send to the receiver ();
John: It happen in the year of 2008,
Kelvin: I add an extra code on the server of email .Whichever email which John send, there's a copy which is sent to the account of email of mine.
Miss Wong (a spy from Hong Kong): Oh! It's wonderful. However, what have you found?
Kelvin: I found that John has send a email to Wing Lun company.
Miss Wong: What's the email about?
Kelvin: Applying for a job. So, I contact the people in Wing Lun company. I ask them to ask John to come over for an interview of jobs. And then, I ask people in Wing Lun company to make fun of John.
Miss Wong: You're genius.
Kelvin: Am I?
Miss Wong: Yes,.
Kelvin: So, when you see John, you "whistle" and "soliloquize" "Oh! My boss is so genius.".

Bradley (the bishop of the church of Yandelists). < > . Is it a church ?
Charles (another bishop of the church of Yandelists): Yes,.
Bradley: Is our religion a cult ?
Charles: Yes,
Bradley: Excellent. Now, we brutally, animously and bloodily murder 170 pagans. What should Kelvin and Miss Wong do?
Charles: They should murder the pagans. However, they don't.
Bradley: How do we handle them?
Charles: Murder them.
