Material (102) A tram fire in Austria 5 loaf 2 fish


Ref: .


John: Have a look. . 160 died in the fire in a tram.

Me: Why is the mortality so high?

John: Because, while the fire occur, the tram halt in the tunnel. The passengers have no way to escape.

Me: You mean the mortiality drop a lots if the tram halt outside the tunnel while the tram is on fire. Because, there's lots of way of escape for the passengers.

John: Yes,.

Me: Then, why did the tram halt inside the tunnel while the tram is on fire?

John: The tram is hacked by Bradley. Bradley intentionally let the tram halt inside the tunnel.

Me: Intentionally?

John: Yes,.

Me: Why did Bradley do that?

John: Read the followings.


Bradley: Read this article. . We should avoid from using the weapon of the church again and again. Otherwise, those weapons become our personal wealth rather than the wealth of the God.

Charles: I know that.

Bradley: We only use the weapons of the church for one times.

Charles: OK.

Bradley: Tomorrow, I will set the tram on fire. Where should we let the tram stop?


Charles think or a while, and, say,


Charles: We let the tram halt inside the tunnels and let the passengers have no way to escape.  

Bradley: Why?

Charles: Because, we must make the most of the use of this scarced occassion. We should genocide as many pagans as possible.

Bradley: Allahu Akbar. . .

Charles: Allahu Akbar.
