Material (97) 5 loaf 2 fish 911 (China Thailand fire)


Ref: .




John: Look at this article ( Look at the picture above. My personal computer link to a Chip B. Chip B connect to the socket of alternate current of my home. One day, Chip B burnt. You guess what happen ?

Me: What?

John:George is in charge of the warehouse of the church. Inside the warehouse, there's a hacker's package. This hacker's package can hack the power plant of Hong Kong and let my Chip B burnt.


Kelvin: I wanna borrow the weapon.

George: What do you use them for?

Kelvin: I'm gonna let the Chip B of John burn, and then, I teach my students how to hack the power plant of Hong Kong.

George: The weapon is the wealth of our heavenly God. They are used to kill the pagans rather than education. I can't lend it to you.


Kelvin: You say that the weapon is your own wealth. And then, the weapons can be used for education rather than killing the pagans . Can't you say that?

George: My own wealth?

Kelvin: Yes,

George: Take a look at this article ( Bradley say the weapons of the church is shared with by "all" disciples. I can't share the weapons with you "alone".

Kelvin: You say that those weapons are you personal wealth rather than the wealth of the God. And then, you can share the weapon with Kelvin "alone". Can't you do that?..


Charles: Have a look. . 180 pagans died in the fire in Philipines. What's the usage of weapons?

Bradley: Murder the pagans.

Charles: However, Kelvin and George said the weapons are used to hack John, and then, teach Kelvin's students how to hack the power plant of Hong Kong.

Bradley: Education ?

Charles: Yes,. Education.

Bradley: Why did they say that?

Chalres: They say the weapons are their own wealth rather than the wealth of the God. Therefore, they can use them for whatever purpose they want. For example, education.

Bradley: How do we handle them?

Charles: Murder them.


John: Take a look at this article. ( .
