Material (114) Ebola and Sars (poison)
Ref: .
John: Have a look . . Now, the church of the Yandelists extirpate over 10,000 pagans . As a pious disciple, what should I do?
Me: I should extirpate the pagans too.
John: Excellent. . Have a look. ( ) . Ebola isn't an infectable virus. Ebola is just the poison.
Me: Have a look. ( Neither is Sars an infectable virus. Sars is poison either.
John: Over 1000 pagans died from Sars and over 10,000 pagans died from Ebola.
Me: In another words, those "pagans" died from the church of the Yandelists.
John: Yes,. .
while (email-server is running)
if (John send)
send to the receiver ();
send to Kelvin's account of email (); <--- Kelvin hack the server of email and then add an extra code there.
send to receiver ();
Mehdi (a Morrocco's spy): You monitor John. Whichever email which John sent out, there's a copy which is sent to your accont of email?
Kelvin: Yes,.
Mehdi: Why do you Monitor him?
Kelvin: We're the department of intelligence. John is under the surveillance of the department of intelligence.
Mehdi: Department of intelligence ? Monitor ?
Kelvin: Yes,.
Mehdi: Then, what's email of John about?
Kelvin: About applying a job.
Mehdi: About applying a job? It isn't any military confidentials. You monitor him. It's boring.
Kelvin: It isn't boring.
Mehdi: Isn't it?
Kelvin: No, it isn't. Do you wanna make fun of John ?
Mehdi : Yes,
Kelvin: Good. I open a spy company. You stay in this spy company. And then, You ask John to come for interview.
Mehdi: I can make fun of John. However, take a look . Yandelism is a sect. Over 10,000 pagans died from the church of the Yandelists. We are the disciple of the church of the Yandelists. We should murder the pagans.
Kelvin: We don't belong to the church of the Yandelists. We belong to the department of intelligence. Therefore, we don't murder any pagans.
One day, Ivan is so angry. He pat on the desk top and scream.
Ivan (a disciple): Is Yandelism a cult?
Bradley (The bishops of the church of the Yandelists): Yes,.
Ivan: We have used the poison to murder 10,000 pagans.
Bradley: Yes, we have.
Ivan: However, Kelvin and Mehdi never kill a single pagans.
Bradley (Query): Why don't they murder the pagans?
Ivan: They say they're the department of intelligence rather than a sect. Therefore, they don't murder a single pagans.
Bradley: Department of intelligence rather than a sect?
Ivan: Yes,.
Bradley: How do we handle them?
Ivan: Murder them.
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