Material (113) Rail crash in China


Ref: .

John: Have a look . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do?

Me: They should eucharistize too.

John: Let me tell you a real story. It happen in the year of 2009. Ah Kei is a staff of a company of security guard.


while (the server of Google is running)


if (search word from John)


return to the person who request ();

return to Kelvin (); <--- Kelvin add an extra code on the server of Google.




return to the person who request ();




Kelvin: I hack the server of Google. I add an extra code there. Whichever search-word which John input, it will return to me.

Ah Kei (a spy from Hong Kong): Oh! It's amazing. However, what did you find?

Kelvin: I find that John search something about Visual FoxPro.  <----- Visual FoxPro is a programming language.

Ah Kei: So?

Kelvin: So, . You make fun of John.  You soliloquize in front of John in an arrogant manner "You're so stupid. You don't know how to make a Visual FoxPro program.".

Ah Kei (a spy from Hong Kong): Should I kill people?

Kelvin: No, you don't need to kill people. We belong to the department of intelligence. We're not a sect.



One day, Bradley see Chares. Bradley is so angry. Bradley pat on the desk top and scream,


Bradley (the bishops of the church of the Yandelists): Take a look. . 80 people died. What's it?

Charles (another bishops): It's a heavenly obligations which we fullfil.

Bradley: Good. That mean Yandelism is a religion. Here is a church.

Charles: Yes,.

Bradley: Then, what should Kelvin and Ah Kei do?

Charles: They should kill the pagans too. However, they don't.

Bradley: Why not?

Charles: They say they're department of inteligence.


Bradley: How do we handle him?

Charles: Murder him.
