Material (5) Paraguay fire




Have a look .. If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize.


Daniel (an America's hackers): I hack the build-in microphone of John's Iphone. . . I heard that John ask his brother to borrow some money. . . If you wanna learn how to hack the build-in microphone of Iphone, next time, when you see John, you soliloquize arrogantly, "You're so poor. . You borrow money from your brother". <--- Daniel should murder people.

Miss Wong (a female spy from Hong Kong): Better not. . It is the crime of privacy infringement. . <---- Miss Wong should go to murder people.

Daniel: No scary . .The punishment for privacy infringement is light. . It's a great chance for you to learn the hacker's techniques. 



Charles: Have a look. . .It's a church. . Our religion is cult. .We're the bishops. . Now, we murder 400 people. . What should Daniel and Miss Wong do??

Albert: They should murder people too. .  However, they don't.
