Material (8) Cleverness and techniques ( The explosion of Pakistan ) (2010) .




John: Close to the end of US-Japs war, Shikashuki is the commander of Japanese airforce. Yelohaiki is a Kemikaze pilot.  You might have a look at the definition of Kemikaze < >.

Me: OK.

John: One day, Yelohaiki is getting on board the battleship which is sailing to Okinawa shima. At the pier, Shikashuki say a farewell to Yelohaiki.


Yelohaiki: I'm a stupid person. My flying techniques is low.

Shikashuki: As long as you're willing to sacrify, as long as you have the belief, you're the hero of our country. There's no difference between cleverness and stupidness, and, there's no difference between high techniques and low techniques. 

Yelohaiki: Thank.


John: There're plenty hackers in America. However, most of them are shits. The only  hacker whom I respect always is Bradley. Indeed, I don't know whether his name is Bradley or not. I just assume that his name is Bradley. Why do I respect him ? See. < >. After the explosion of Pakistan, Bradley say that it is done by Taliban. And, it is a suicidual attack. 

Me: It is why you respect him?

John: Yes,. 

Me: Can you give me an example?

John: Yes, .The followings happen in the year of 2010.


Kelvin (an America's hacker): Look at this hacker's package. It distantly open the build-in camera of the notebook of John. Isn't it amazing?

Mr. Lam (a spy from Hong Kong): Yes, it is amazing.

Kelvin: Do you wanna learn the hacker's techniques ?

Mr. Lam: Hungrily and thirstily.

Kelvin: Good. Tomorrow, you appear in the media and pretend to be a fool and say "I'm a stupid person. My techniques of hacking is low. ".

Mr. Lam: Why should I pretend to be a fool ?

Kelvin: If you're clever person, if your hacking techniques is high, you will let Bradley be unhappy.

Mr. Lam: Why will I let Bradley be unhappy?

Kelvin: Bradley will suspect that you infringe the intellectual property of the church of Yandelists.


Mr. Lam think for a while and say,


Mr. Lam: I don't need to pretend to be a fool. The church of the Yandelists is a sect. As a pious disciples, I should spontaneously and independently murder as many heathens as possible. As long as I'm willing to sacrify, as long as I have the belief, there is no difference between cleverness and stupidness, and there is no difference between high techniques and low techniques. 

Kelvin: You need not murder heathens.

Mr. Lam: I need not ?

Kelvin: You need not.

Mr. Lam: Then, what do I come to the church of Yandelists for ?

Kelvin: You come to the church of Yandelists for learning the hacker's techniques..

Mr. Lam: Not killing the heathens ?

Kelvin: No.


One day, Charles is so angry. He pat on the desk top and say.


Charles: Mr. Lam never murder a single heathen.


Bradley: Mr. Lam say he come to the church to learn the hacker's techniques rather than kill the heathens. Therefore, Mr. Lam pretend to be a fool and say he is a stupid person and his hacking-techniques is low

Charles: Why does he pretend to be a fool ?

Bradley: He is afraid that we are not happy with that he infringe the intellectual property of the church of Yandelists.


Charles think for a while and say,


Charles: After the explosion of Pakistan, why do "we" say that it is done by Taliban and it is a suicidual attack ?

Bradley: Because, as long as a disciple is willing to sacrify, as long as a disciple has the belief of Yandelism, this disciple is the hero of the church of the Yandelists, and, there is no difference between cleverness and stupidness, and, there is no difference between high techniques and low techniques.

Charles: Actually, Shikashuki said to Yelohaiki close to the end of US-Japs war "As long as you're willing to sacrify, as long as you have the belief, you're the hero of our country. 

There's no difference between cleverness and stupidness, and, there's no difference between high techniques and low techniques.". 


Yelohaiki is a Kemikaze pilot. <--- Have a look at the definition of Kemikaze (


Bradley stand up and say,


Bradley: Excellent. Is Mr. Lam willing to sacrify ? Does Mr. Lam have the belief ?

Charles: No, Mr. Lam isn't willing to sacrify. Mr. Lam doesn't have the belief. 

Charles: Did Mr. Lam kill a single heathen?

Bradley (shaking head): No, Mr. Lam didn't.


Charles: How do we handle him?

Bradley: Murder him.
