material (22) ( The explosion of Sir Lanka ) 2019


Ref: .


John: See. . . If the bishop eucharistize, what should the followers do?

Me: They should eucharistize too.

John: If they don't, what should we do?

Me: Murder them.


John: In America, there're plenty hackers. However, most of the them are shits, piss, trash. The only hacker whom I respect is "Bradley". Why do I respect him? After the explosion of Sir Lanka (, Bradley say "it is done by Al Qaeda". Let me ask you a question. What sort of organization is Al Qaeda?

Me: A church of cult.

John: Excellent. That mean, Al Qaeda isn't a department of the government.

Me: No, Al Qaeda isn't a department of the government.


John: That mean, if any disciple breach the regulations of a cult, we murder them. We don't transfer them to another department of government.

Me: Correct.

John: Let me tell you a story.

Me: What?

John: Mr. Chan is a civil servant of government of Hong Kong.

Me: Which department?

John: Probably, the department of leisure and cultural department.

Me: OK.



Mr. Lee (the boss of the government of Hong Kong): You use the satellite to hack John. And then, you ask Mr. Chan to make fun of John. Mr. Chan disclose this incident to the publc. He breach the regulation of the cult. How do we handle him?. <---- Mr. Lee should murder people.

Daniel: Transfer him to other department of the government of Hong Kong. <--- Daniel should murder people too.

Mr. Lee: We must kill him.

Daniel: You just transfer Mr. Chan to other department of the government of Hong Kong, and then, keep working. 

Mr. Lee: Yandelism is a cult. Inside a church, there is no department. If any disciples breach the regulations of the cult,  we murder "them" immediately.


Daniel: Who say that Yandelism is a cult?


Mr. Lee: Bradley say that.

Daniel: When did Bradley say that? 

Mr. Lee: After the explosion of Sir Lanka, Bradley say it is done by Al Qaeda.


Daniel: Bradley just bullshit. Yandelism isn't a church. Nor is Yandelism a cult.

Mr. Lee: Are you sure?

Daniel: I'm pretty.


Charles: Have a look . . It's a church of cult. . We're the bishops.  Now, we murder 250 pagans. .What should Mr. Lee and Daniel do??

Albert: Murder pagans too. . However, they don't.

Charles: Why don't they murder the pagans.

Albert: They say We bullshits.

Charles: What do we bullshits?

Albert: They say that we bullshits that Yandelism is a church of cult.


Charles: How do we handle them?

Albert: Murder them.
