Material (26) Romania fire 


Ref: .


Have a look . . . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize too.


Daniel: How do I have the password of John's Gmail account?? <---- Daniel should murder people.

Gary (from Google): How do I know?? <---- Gary should murder people too.

Daniel (arrogantly): Stupid . 

Gary (angry): If you don't teach me how to hack the Gmail's server, you're better shut your month up. . You can't call me stupid.  

Daniel: I'm sorry..


John: The matter isn't over yet. . 2 days later, you imagine what happen??

Me: What??

John: Daniel put my password of Gmail on the world wide web.


Gary: Why do you put the password of John's Gmail account on the world wide web??

Daniel: I ridicule John. .  <----- Hacker's tool is to murder people rather than ridiculing the others.

Gary: It's illegal.

Daniel: Do I murder John?? No, I don't murder John. . I just ridicule John.

Gary: You mean, murdering is a serious crime and ridiculing is a trivial crime.

Daniel: Yes,.



Bradley: Have a look. . Is it a church of cult??

Charles: Yes,

Bradley: Is it sacred ??

Charles: Yes,

Bradley: Are we the bishops ??

Charles: Yes,

Bradley: Now, We eucharistize. . We murder 60 people. . What should Daniel and Gary do??

Charles: They should eucharistize too. . They should murder people too. . However, they don't.
