Material (23) Can killing be compensated ? ( The explosion of Sir Lanka ) 2019




John: All the hackers of America are shits. They just make us feel disgusted. The only America's hacker whom I respect is Bradley.  Why ? See. < >. After the explosion of Sir Lanka, Bradley say it is done by Islamic state. What sort of organization is Islamic state is?

Me: A sect. A cult.

John: Excellent. It is a religion. We kill people voluntarily without any compensation. It happen in the year of 2014.


Kelvin (an America's hacker): I hack the telecom. I eavesdrop on the phone-call of John. I find that Mr. K is John's father. Do you wanna learn how to hack the telecom?

Mr. Leung (the doctor of the public hospital of Hong Kong): Yes, I wanna learn it.

Kelvin: Excellent. When Mr. K come to the hospital, you use the poison to murder him.

Mr. Leung: Wait a minute. It is a church. Killing is the God's willing. You're just the representative on earth. You can't advise me to kill John's father. I must spontaneously and independently murder the heathens without your advice. 


Kelvin: I know that. However, do you wanna learn how to hack the telecom?

Mr. Leung: Yes,.

Kelvin: OK. I promise you that I will teach you how to hack the telecom after you kill John's father.

Mr. Leung: Are you serious ?

Kelvin: Yes. 


(((((( John: Why do you kill my father?

Mr. Leung: Kelvin promise me that he will teach me how to hack the telecom after I kill your father.

John: Can killing be compensated ?

Mr. Leung: Why not?  ))))


One day, Charles is so angry. He pat on the desk top and say,


Charles: Why do we say that the explosion of Sir Lanka is done by Islamic country? Because, Islamic country is a sect. That mean, killing is the God's willing rather than the human's willing. Kelvin is just the representative on earth. He can't advise Mr. Leung to kill John's father. Mr. Leung should independently and spontaneously murder the heathens without any advice from Kelvin. 

Bradley: Correct. 

Charles: Then, why did Mr. Leung listen to Kelvin?

Bradley: Because, Kelvin promise Mr. Leung that Kelvin will teach Mr. Leung how to hack the telecom after Mr. Leung kill John's father.

Charles: However,   can Killing be compensated?

Bradley: No,. Killing can't be compensated. Because, it is a religious belief. If killing is compensated, it become a "secular" transaction. It is no longer a religious belief.

Bradley: Correct.

Charles: How do we handle them?

Bradley: Kill them.
