Material (29) China fire


Ref: .


Have a look .. If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize.


If (search-word of John)


Send to John (); 

Send to Daniel ();<----- Hacker's tool is to murder people rather than infringe people's privacy. 




Send to user ();




Daniel: I add a code in the server of Google Search. . Whatever word which John search , they will be collected by me.  Have a look . . Do you see that John search "how to build a Visual Foxpro program"?  . <--- Daniel should murder people.

Mr. Fong (a spy from Hong Kong): Yes, . <--- Mr. Fong should murder people too.

Daniel: Next time, when you see John, you soliloquize in front of John, "What a stupid person who don't know how to build a Visual Foxpro program".

Mr. Fong: We humiliate John.

Daniel: Do we murder anybody?? No, we don't. . We just humiliate John.


Bradley: Have a look . . It is a church. . Our religion is cult. . We're the bishops. . If we murder 350 people. What should Daniel and Mr. Fong do??

Charles: They should murder people too. . However, they don't.
