Material (27) Can killing be compensated ? ( The explosion of Indonesia ) 2005


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John: There're plenty hackers in America.

Me: How many?

John: I'm not sure. However, most of them are "Shits". The only hacker whom I respect always is Bradley. 

Me: Is his name Bradley?

John: I don't know. I just assume that his name is Bradley. 

Me: Why do you respect him ?

John: See. < > . After the explosion of Indonesia, Bradley say in a high profile "It is done by Islamic extremists ". Let me ask you a question.

Me: OK.

John: What sort of organization is Islamic Extremists ?

Me: A religious organization.

John: Excellent. That mean, the killing is the God's willing rather than the Man's willing. That mean, the killing is voluntary , not compensated.

Me: Yes.

John: It happen in the year of 2020.



Kelvin: This camera hack the satellite of America. 

Mr. Yeung (a Chinese spy): Oh! It's amazing.

Kelvin: Do you wanna learn how to hack the satellite.

Mr. Yeung: Hungrily and thirstily.

Kelvin: Excellent. Through it, do you see a person chatting with John at the avenue ?? He is Mr. Ng. . You use the poison to kill him. 

Mr. Yeung (a Chinese spy): Wait a minute. 

Kelvin: What?

Mr. Yeung: Bradley say killing the heathen is the God's willing. 

Kelvin: Bradley didn't say that.

Mr. Yeung: Yes, he did say that.

Kelvin: When did he say?

Mr. Yeung: After the explosion of Indonesia. Bradley said "It's done by Islamic Extremists". Islamic Extremists is a religious organization. Of course, the killing is the God's willing. So, You're just the representative on earth.  Then, you can't advise me to murder Mr. Ng. I should spontaneously and independently genocide the heathens without any advice from you.

Kelvin: However, do you wanna learn how to hack the satellite?

Mr. Yeung (drool): Yes, I do wanna learn it .

Kelvin: Good. I promise you that I will teach you how to hack the satellite after you murder Mr. Ng.

Mr. Yeung: Are you serious ?

Kelvin: Yes. 



John: Why do you murder Mr. Ng?

Mr. Yeung: Kelvin promise me that he will teach me how to hack the satellite after I kill Mr. Ng.

John: Promise?

Mr. Yeung: Yes, it is a Promise.




Ivan: Why do "you" say that the explosion of Indonesia is done by Islamic extremists?

Bradley (the bishop of the church of Yandelists): Islamic extremists is a religious group. . Therefore, the killing  is the God's willing. <---- There're many America's hackers. However, the only hacker whom I respect most is "Bradley".

Ivan stand up and say,

Ivan: Excellent. That mean, killing Mr. Ng is the God's willing too. Kelvin is just the representative on earth. Then, Kelvin can't advise Mr. Yeung to murder Mr. Ng. Mr. Yeung should spontaneously and independently murder the heathens without any advice from Kelvin.

Bradley: Correct.

Ivan: However, Mr. Yeung just listen to Kelvin and then murder Mr. Ng. Why?

Bradley: Kelvin promise Mr. Yeung that Kelvin will teach Mr. Yeung how to hack  the satellite after Mr. Yeung kill Mr. Ng.

Ivan: Can killing be compensated ?

Bradley: No, . Killing can't be compensated. Because, it is a religious belief.

Ivan: How do we handle the "earthly" and "secular" men like Kelvin and Mr. Yeung??

Bradley: Murder them.
