
Showing posts from November, 2023

material (37) - China's submarine sink . Ref:   . Have a look. . . If the bishops eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize. . Have a look . . . A submarine of China sink. . 60 people died. . Bradley: Have a look. . Is it a church of cult?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Are we the bishops?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: If we eucharistize, what should the followers do?? Charles: They should eucharistize too. . Bradley:Good. . Now, we murder 60 people, what should the followers do??

Material (36) (Nigeria pipeline explosion)  . Ref: . Have a look .. . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize. . Kelvin (an America's hackers): I hack the computer of John. . I delete the back-up file of John's computer. . He can't restore.  <---- Kelvin should murder people. Daniel: Why do you do that ??  <--- Daniel should murder people. Kelvin: I ridicule him. . So what ?? . . Bradley (an America's hacker): Have a look. . // . . It's a church. . Our religion is cult. . We're bishops. . We murder 1000 pagans. . What should Daniel and Kelvin do?? Charles: They should murder pagans   too. . However, they don't.

Material (35) a Explosion (Ankara) (2015)

Image . Ref: . . Chapter 17 of the bible said, a pious disciple should genocide as many pagans as possible without the instructions and guidance from  Bradley, the Pope. . Note: A pious disciple of the church of Yandelists won't put the bombs at the beach at 6:am in the morning. . Why?? There's nobody at the beach at 6:am in the morning.  . Have a look . .  1) 6:PM. . the busiest time, 2) The bombs explode in a rail station of Ankara.  3) 100 people die. . Bradley (the Pope of the church of Yandelists): I give you some time-bombs. . However, they're not highly destructive. Yessin: Never mind. .  . As a pious disciple, Yessin never mind whether those bombs are highly destructive or not. . Bradley: Where and When do you put them ??  You figure it out yourself.   I don't give you any guidance and instructions. . 

Material (34) - (Brazil aircrash) . Ref: . John: Have a look . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: They should eucharistize too. John: Marvellous. The followings happen in the year of 2010. . Kelvin (an America's hacker. During the year of 2010 ): Look ! This camera can hack the satellite of America. Do you see that John walk into the Cheung Wing building ? <---- Kelvin should murder the pagans. Mr. Chong (a police of Hong Kong): Yes, <---- Mr. Chong should murder the pagans. Kelvin: Tomorrow, you make a fake news. Mr. Chong: What fake news? Kevlvin: You say that yesterday, there's a bulgary occuring in Cheung Wing  Building . . .  <---- Note: Yesterday refer to the day at which John walk into the Wing Cheung building. Mr. Chong: Why do I do that? Kelvin: We make fun of John. . . Bradl

Material (33) (Oklahoma explosion) . Ref:   . John: Have a look . . . If the bishop Eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: They should eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . In the army, even if I'm willing to murder people, I am disallowed. . Becuase, I'm not authorized. I n the church, as long as I'm willing to murder people, I am welcome. . Becuase, it's God's willing . . If (search-word of John) { Send to John (); Send to Kelvin (); <--- an extra code which is implant in the server of Google.  } Else { Send to user (); } Kelvin: I hack the server of Google' search. I put an extra code there. Whatever search-words John input will be collected by me.    Kelvin click a button and say, Kelvin: Do you see "spring split of Javascript" ??  Mr. Gong