material (38) (( ship wreck in Hong Kong ))




John: See. . When the bishop eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should you do?

Me: I should follow suit.

John: Marvellous. Look. . A ship wreck in Hong Kong. 40 pagans died.


John: It happen in the year of 2020. One day of 2020, I went out to the avenue. Accidentally, I saw my neighbour. His name is Mr. Chan. Mr. Chan is a diabetic patients.


John: How're you going?

Mr. Chan: Not good. My diabetic is getting worse.

John: Then, take care of yourself.

Mr. Chan: I will.


John: You guess what happen?

Me: What?

John: Read the followings.

Me: OK.


Kelvin: Listen to this audio record..

Miss Cheung (the personnels of the public hospital of Hong Kong): OK.

Kelvin: Do you hear a person saying "My diabetic is getting worse.".

Miss Cheung: Yes,.

Kelvin: This person is Mr. Chan. He is John's neighbour.

Miss Cheung: How do you get this audio record?

Kelvin: I remotely open the build-in microphone of the Iphone of John. I eavesdrop on Mr. Chan and John, and then, I keep this audio record.

Miss Cheung: Oh! It's amazing.

Kelvin: Do you wanna learn the hacker's techniques?

Miss Cheung: Yes,.

Kelvin: Wonderful. Tomorrow, you make fun of John. You appear in the media and soliloquize "Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! . . I'm the specialists of curing diabetics. It's God-Damn funny.".

Miss Cheung: I can do that. However, Bradley murder the pagans. We should murder the pagans.

Kelvin: Murder the pagans ? Are you insane?


Miss Cheung (stunned): What do you mean?


Kelvin: Bradley is the terrorist. Of course, he murder the pagans. We're not terrorists. We're just the hackers. Of course, we don't murder the pagans. We just make fun of the pagans. Note: Pagans refer to John and Mr. Chan.



Bradley (the bishop of the church of the Yandelists): See. . It is a church. Our relgion is sect. We're the bishops. We murder 40 pagans. What should Kelvin and Miss Cheung do?

Charles (another bishop): They should murder the pagans. However, they don't.

Bradley: Why don't they murder the pagans ?

Charles: They say they are hackers. They say they aren't terrorists. Therefore, they just make fun of the pagans. 

Bradley: How do we handle them?

Charles: Murder them.
