Material (44) - spiritual practice (the explosion of Uganda) (2010)


Ref: .


John: Have a look, . If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should you do?

Me: I should eucharistize too.

John: Excellent.


John: The domestic helper perform household tasks, e.g. cleaning, cooking and laundry. Consequently, their employers have time to focus on their work and other activities.

Me: However, have you seen a Buddhist monk employing a domestic helper?

John: No, I have never seen that. 

Me: Why not?

John: To become a monk, cleaning, cooking and laundry is part of your spiritual practice.

Me: If I don't practice them spirutually, I will disdain my religion.

John: You're correct. Let me tell you something.

Me: What?




John: There're plenty hackers in America. Most of them are shits.

Me: Shits?

John: Yes,.  However, the only hackers whom I respect always is Bradley. 

Me: Is his name Bradley?

John: Indeed, I don't know whether his name is Bradley or not. I just assume that his name is Bradley. 

Me: Why do you respect him always ? 

John: Because, after the explosion of Uganda ( ), Bradley say in high profile "the explosion is done by a group of terrorists called the party of Islamic Youth.". Let me ask you a question.

Me: Go ahead.

John: What sort of organization is the party of Islamic Youth ?

Me: A religious group.




John: Excellent. Would the disciples of the party of Islamic Youth employ a domestic helper?

Me: No,

John: Would the disciples of the party of Islamic youth employ a contract's agent?

Me: Neither,

John: As a disciples of the party of Islamic Youth, if I employ a domestic helper (or a contract's agent), I disrespect my religion.


Me: Cleaning, cooking and laundry is part of the spiritual practice of a disciples of the party of Islamic Youth.



Miss  Kwok (the police of Hong Kong): It's serious. John come to the police station to complain. <---- Miss Kowk should murder the pagans. Murdering the pagans is called eucharistizing.

Kelvin (an America's hacker): What does he complain? <--- Kelvin should murder the pagans. Murdering the pagans is called eucharistizing.

Miss Kwok: He complain that the staff of the public hospitals of Hong Kong are being the spies.

Kelvin: Tomorrow, you lead 2 police and go to John's home. And, you warn John "Being the spies. So what? ".

Miss Kwok: You warn him yourself.

Kelvin: Come on. You perform this task, so that, I can have time to focus on my work. 

Miss Kwok: Time ? 

Kelvin: Yes,.

Miss Kwok: What kind of work do you focus on?

Kelvin: Hacking.


Miss Kwok (shaking head): I'm not a domestic helper. 

Kelvin: However, you're my contract's agent.


Miss Kwok: Contract's agent is same as domestic helper. 

Kelvin: OK. What do you want?

Miss Kwok: If I'm not paid, I won't perform this task. .


Kelvin: I teach you the hacker's techniques, e.g., hacking the telecom, satellite. You're paid. You're my contract's agent.


Miss Kwok think for a while and then hesitate and say,

Miss Kwok: Warning John is part of your spiritual practice. You can't employ a domestic helper (or contract's agent). If you employ a domestic helper (or contract's agent), you disdain the church of the Yandelists.


Kelvin look at the sky and laugh.


Miss Kwok: Why do you laugh?

Kelvin: The church of the Yandelists?  Here isn't a church called the church of Yandelists. We're not the disciples of any church.

Miss. Kwok: Bradley is the bishop. It is a real  church. We're the disciples. Warning John is part of your spiritual practice. I can't be your maid.

Kelvin: OK. Stop arguing. Do you wanna learn the hacker's techniques?

Miss Kwok: By the way, "Yes". 

Kelvin: Fantastic, you just do what I request.

Miss Kwok: Are you sure?

Kelvin: I'm pretty sure.


Bradley: Have a look . . . Is it  a church?

Charles: Yes,

Bradley: Is our religion a cult?

Charles: Yes,.

Bradley: Are we the bishops?

Charles: Yes,.

Bradley: Are Kelvin and Miss Kwok the disciples (monk) of the church of Yandelists?

Charles: Yes,.

Bradley: Now, we murder 500 pagans. . What should Kelvin, Miss Kwok  do??

Charles: They should murder pagans too. . .However, they don't.

Bradley: Why don't they "eucharistize"?

Charles: They say it isn't a chuch. They're not the disciples (the monks).



Bradley: How do we handle Kelvin and Miss Kwok ?

Charles: Murder them.
