Material (73) - cheerleaders and spectators


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Me: If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should you do??
John: Follow-suit.
John: Let me explain the second picture. If it is a boxing match, it isn't a brutal killing. It is a courteous, friendly and merciful competition. Here's no blood-shed. You can be the cheerleaders or spectators. 
Me: However, If it is a mass-murdering, it is a brutal killing. It isn't a courteous, friendly and merciful competition. Here's large blood-shed. //. You must be a cruel killers too.
Dave is an America's hacker. During the year of 2020, he use the poison to murder a lots of pagans. Poison refer to COVID. Can you imagine that ,at the same year, the followings happen ?
Kelvin (an America's hacker): This camera hack the satellite of America. Through it, you can see that a person who wear a "red Jacket" is chatting with John at the avenue. His name is Mr. W. He is a truck-driver. His car number is BB133. Tomorrow, you humiliate him.
Mr. Leung (the police of Hong Kong): I will humiliate him. However, Dave is brutally killing the pagans. I must cruelly kill the pagans too.
Kelvin: You need not cruelly kill the pagans. You can be the cheerleaders and spectators. Because, It's just a boxing match between Dave and the pagans. The motive of Dave isn't a brutal killing. The motive of Dave is a courteous, friendly, merciful competition.
Mr. Leung: Courteous? friendly ? merciful ? And then, Competition ? 
Kelvin: Yes,.
Mr. Leung: 10 millions people die from COVID already. It is a large blood-shed. Can it be a boxig match ? Can the motive of Dave be a courteous, friendly and merciful competition ? Of course, the answer is "NOT". It must be a mass-murdering. The motive of Dave is a brutal, animous and merciless killing. Thus, I must cruelly murder the pagans too.
Kelvin: Do you wanna learn how to hack the satellite?
Mr. Leung: I drool.
Kelvin: Excellent. You just sit at the auditorium of the spectators to be a cheerleaders.
One day, Ivan is so angry,
Ivan: Mr. Leung never murder a single pagan.
Bradley (the bishop of the church of Yandelists): Why should Mr. Leung kill the pagans ? Here is a courteous, friendly, merciful, and, bloodless competition between Dave and the pagans.
Ivan: 10 millions people die from COVID already. Can it be a courteous, friendly, merciful and bloodless competition between Dave and the pagans? Of course, the answer is "NOT".
Bradley: Mr. Leung never murder a single pagans.
Ivan: How do we handle him?
Bradley: Murder him.
