Material (83) The explosion of Bangladesh (Improvised explosive devices).
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1) It is illegal for Kelvin to create any earthly example. Kelvin should fullfil the obligations of genociding as many pagans as possible.
2) It is illegal for Daniel to learn from an earthly example provided by Kelvin. Daniel should fullfil the obligations of genociding as many pagans as possible.
Me: This article mention the difference between "failure" and "attack". .
Me: This article mention the difference between "failure" and "attack". .
John: OK.
Me: Kelvin use the same hacker's package to attack you 30 times and let you reinstall the windows and let you lose all the informations in the computer for 30 times.
John: Yes,. The same packages.
Me: 30 times?
John: from 2004 to 2010, 30 times.
Me: Then, did he attack you "solely" ?
John: Yes,. "Solely".
Me: There're billions people in the monde. Why did he attack you "Solely" ?
John: Kelvin say " John is a good earthly example of being hacked. I generously let this example be "learned" from by my earthly students. ".
Me: Kelvin commit 3 crimes. They are,
1) Kelvin create an earthly example.
2) Kelvin didn't fullfil the heavenly obligations.
3) Kelvin intend to occupy the wealth of the God.
John: You're gonna condemn him.
Me: You can't use the weapons of the church to hack John again and again. Otherwise, those weapons become your wealth rather than the wealth of the God.
Kelvin: I know that.
Me: Then, why do you use the weapons of the church to hack John again and again?
Kelvin: Haven't I said that John is a good earthly example of being hacked? And then, my students of the earth can learn a hacker's technique from this example.
Me: Yes,.
Kelvin: So, I am a professor again and again.
Me: I guess, you hack John for one times only. It's enough.
Kelvin: It isn't enough.
Me: Why isn't it enough?
At the first time which "I" hack John, "I" teach Albert.
At the second times which "I" hack John, "I" teach Borry.
At the third times which "I" hack John, "I" teach Cieree.
At the fourth times which "I" hack John, "I" teach Donald.
And, so on and so.
Me: So on and on?
Kelvin: Yes,.
Me: Why don't "you" hack John for one times only and at this single times, "you" teach a thousand students together?
Kelvin: If I teach a thousand students together at one times, it is a "Public Lecture". A "Public lecture" is one lecturer to one thousand students.
Me: One lecturer to one thousand students. It's good.
Kelvin: I prefer private tutorial. That mean one to one. Therefore, at each times which I hack John, I just teach one student only.
Me: Then, if you plan to teach one thousand students, you're gonna hack John one thousand times.
Kelvin: Yes, .
John: Yandelism is a religion. It is a church of the Yandelists. It isn't a university of the Yandelists. You come to the church. You dedicate your wealth to the church.
John: Perfect.
Me: You don't hope that you're the beneficiary of the wealth of the church.
John: The wealth of the church belong to the God of the Heaven.
Me: Yes,. Secondly, Kelvin should fullfil the heavenly obligations.
John: How?
Me: Go to genocide as many pagans as possible.
John: Kelvin never fullfil any heavenly obligations. Instead, Kelvin create an earthly example.
Me: Is this example a public example or private example.
John: A private example.
Me: Why?
Kelvin: I prefer one to one. I prefer private tutorial .
Bradley: Have a look. . 1200 died.
Charles: Improvised explosive devices.
Bradley: Excellent.
Charles: However, Kelvin fail in any heavenly obligation. Kelvin just keep creating an earthly dirty example.
Bradley: What example?
Charles: John is a good earthly example of being hacked. You guys can learn the hackers' techniques from this example.
Bradley: Indeed, we don't need Kelvin to give us any earthly example. Our hacking techniques is so high that we are able to hack an airplane. In our eyes, the hacking techniques of Kelvin is just a small "Potatoes". What we need Kelvin to do is to fullfil the heavenly obligation of genociding as many pagans as possible. However, Kelvin never fullfil any heavenly obligation.
Charles: How do we handle him?
Bradley: Murder him.
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