Material (83) - "suppression and thank" "suppression of the nature of animals"


Ref: .




John: This article ( talk about pack hunting.  
If it is bloody, we participate in it.
If it isn't a bloody murdering, we don't participate in. 
However, there's an exception.
Me: What?
John: A war. See the third picture. When wolf A is killing a lamb, "wolf B,C,D" can't participate in it, because, there's a wire fence which seperate "wolf B, C, D" from wolf A. The nature of "wolf B,C,D" is being suppressed. Consequently, "wolf B, C, D" howl, "The lamb deserve to die. Sucking the lamb's blood is inevitable". It is a release from suppression.

During the Soviet-German war, Basil is a backline soldiers. According to the regulations of German troops, a backline solider's can't advance to the frontline. The regulation of German troops is same as a wire fence which seperate Basil from the soldiers of frontline. Basil's nature is being suppressed. Consequently, Basil howl, "The Soviets deserve to die. A war against the Soviets is inevitable". It is a release from suppression.


Me: There's a question. Wolf A is a wild wolf. If "wolf B, C, D" are domestic wolf, what will happen?

John: If "wolf B,C,D" are domestic wolf, if they see wolf A killing a lamb, if there is a wire fence which seperate those domestic wolf from wild wolf A, those domestic wolf will howl in a complaint's manner, "You, wolf A, better fuck off. Don't commit any crime in my domain. ". If there isn't a wire fence between them, the domestic wolf will try to expell wild wolf A. Because, the domestic wolf think, "You, wolf A, infringe my domain". Domestic wolf is never in contact with wild wolf and never be friendly to wild wolf. 


Me: See the fourth picture. A group of wild wolf is moving to the south. And, a domestic wolf is moving to the north. When they pass by each others, domestic wolf A won't be in contact with wild wolf A. Why?

John: Domestic wolf aren't friendly with wild wolf. How can they be in contact with each others? They're just strangers to each others.


During the year of 2020, many people die from COVID. However, the followings happen as well. This story include 3 parties

Dave is a wild wolf. Dave use the poison to kill the pagans. Poison refer to COVID.

Kelvin is in contact with Dave and be friendly to Dave. Kelvin is a wild wolf too.

Is Mr. Yeung a wild wolf? Is Mr. Yeung a domestic wolf?


Kelvin: See this camera. It hack the satellite of America. Through it, don't you see that John is standing at the pier? You go there to humiliate him.

Mr. Yeung (the police of Hong Kong): I will do it. However, Dave is a wild wolf.  I must be wild wolf too. 

Kelvin: You're not wild wolf. You're domestic wolf.

Mr. Yeung: You and Dave are wild wolf. If I'm a domestic wolf, you won't be in contact with me and won't be friendly to me. Am I right? If you're in contact with me and be friendly to me, Of course, I'm a wild wolf. I'm not a stranger.

Kelvin think for a while and say,

Kelvin: OK. You're a wild wolf. However, it is a war. Here's a wire fence. A wire fence is same as the regulation of army. You're the backline soldiers. You can't advance to the frontline.

Mr. Yeung: If my nature is being suppressed, I should release myself, and, howl, "Those pagans deserve to die. A war against them is inevitable".

Kelvin: You should not howl, "Those pagans deserve to die. A war against them is inevitable". You should howl , "John deserve to be infringed. Humiliating John is necessary.".

Mr. Yeung: However, "John deserving to be infringed. Humiliating John being necessary." isn't related to the war and the wire fence. It isn't a release from suppression.

Kelvin: I know that.

Mr. Yeung: Then, why should I howl, "John deserve to be infringed. Humiliating John is needed."?

Kelvin: Then, do you wanna learn how to hack the satellite of America?

Mr. Yeung: Yes,

Kelvin: You just do what I request.


One day, Ivan is so angry. 

Ivan: Mr. Yeung never murder a single pagans.

Bradley: It's war. Here's a wire fence.

Ivan: If there is a wire fence which suppress Mr. Yeung's nature, Mr. Yeung will  release himself and then howl, "The pagans deserve to die. A war against the pagans is necessary". Mr. Yeung never howl, "The pagans deserve to die. A war against the pagans is necessary". On the contrary, Mr. Yeung keep howling, "John deserve to be infringed. Humiliating John is necessary.". "John deserving to be infringed and humiliating John being necessary." isn't related to the war and the wire fence. It isn't a release from suppression.


Bradley: How do we handle him?

Ivan: Murder him.
