Material (82) - (The explosion of India) telling lies and religious jihad 2008


John: See.  Eucharistize. . If the bishops genocide pagans, as a pious disciple, what should he do?
Me: He should extirpate the pagans.
John: Let me explain the above picture. The lesser the blood shed, the more lying. The more the blood shed, the more approaching the Jihad is. I give you an example. 
Me: OK.
John: Hirilia is a mafia in US. Benny is a member. One day, he smuggle a batch of illegal cigar from Cuba to US. However, Benny deny the allegations of smuggling. 
Me: Denying the allegations of smuggling is lying.
John: Yes, . Denying the allegations of smuggling is lying. Ford is another member of Hirilia too. Ford declare to the rest of the members "I encourage you guys to tell as many lies as possible.".
Me: OK.
John: Charles is a bishop of the church of Yandelists. See it. < > . The explosion of India is done by Charles. 180 people died. 
Me: OK.
John: After it, would Charles announce to the disciples "I encourage you guys to tell as many lies as possible. "?
Me: No, Charles wouldn't. 
John: Why not?
Me: The more the blood shed, the more approaching the Jihad is. What Charles announce to the disciples of the church of Yandelists is "I encourage you guys to extirpate the pagans.".
1) the lesser blood-shed, the more lying. I encourage you guys to tell as many lies as possible.
2) the more blood-shed, the more approaching the Jihad is. I encourage you guys to extirpate as many pagans as possible


Kelvin (an America's hackers): This camera hack the satellite of America. Through it,"you" see that John is standing at the park. You give a phone-call to your security department. You request them to go to the spot to humiliate John.

Mr Chen (the staff of the leisure and cultral services department of Hong Kong): I'll do that.  However, Charles kill 180 people during the explosion of India.  Charles announce to the disciples of the church of Yandelists "I encourage you guys to murder the pagans."




Kelvin: You make a mistake.

Mr. Chen: Mistake?

Kelvin: Yes, Charles simply "declare" to the  disciples "I encourage you guys to tell as many lies as possible.

Mr. Chen: Tell as many lies as possible ? Hey! 180 pagans are killed by Charles.


Kelvin: Do you wanna learn the hacker's techniques?

Mr. Chen: I drool.


Kelvin: Excellent. You need not murder any pagans. You just deny the allegations of being a spy.

Mr. Chen: Denying the allegation of being a spy is lying.

Kelvin: You are requested to tell lie. You aren't requested to murder the pagans.


One day, Ivan is so angry. He pat on the desk top and scream,


Ivan: Mr. Chen never murder a single pagans.

Bradley: Charles is just a Cigar smugglers. There's no blood-shed. Of course, Charles declare to the disciples "I encourage you guys to deny the allegations of being a spy. I encourage you guys to tell as many lies as possible."

Ivan: Come on! Charles kill 189 pagans. Would Charles request Mr. Chen to deny the allegations of being a spy? Would Charles request Mr. Chen to tell as many lies as possible? No, Charles wouldn't. What Charles request Mr. Chen to do is to extirpate the pagans.

Bradley: The more the blood-shed, the more approaching the Jihad is. The more I encourage you guys to extirpate the pagans.

Ivan: Of course.

Bradley: How do we handle him?

Ivan: Murder her
