Material (85) - (Alaska aircrash) (two)

John: Have a look. . . . If the bishop Eucharistize, what should the followers do?
Me: Eucharistize too.
John: Excellent.


One day, Kelvin, an America's hacker, bring his notebook to see Mr. Li, an officiers of the housing department of Hong Kong.

Kelvin: See! I click a button, the records of the residents of the building where John reside is shown on the monitor. Do you wanna learn the hacker's techniques?   

Mr. Li (the staff of the housing department of Hong Kong): Yes, I really want to learn the hacker's techniques.

Kelvin: Good. I give you a list of the residents. You knock at their doors. You say, "During the period of COVID, we must randomly check".

Mr. Li: However, Bradley and Charles murder a lots of pagans. We should murder the pagans too.

Kelvin: Are you insane? Bradley and Charles are terrorists. Of course, they murder the pagans.

Mr. Li: Then, what're we?

Kelvin: We're hackers. We don't murder any pagans.


Bradley: Have a look . . Is it a church?

Charles: Yes,.

Bradley: Is our religion a cult?

Charles: Yes,.

Bradley: We are the bishops.  

Charles: For sure.

Bradley: Now,  we murder 90 pagans. What should Kelvin and Mr. Li do??

Charles: They should murder the pagans too . However, they don't.

Bradley: Why don't they murder the pagans?

Charles: They say "We're hackers. We don't murder the pagans"

Bradley: How do we handle them?

Charles: Murder them.
