Material (77) - suppression and thank 




John: See.  Eucharistize. . If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should we do??
Me: Follow-suit.
During the US-Japs war, Jackson is a soldier of frontline. Jackson drop an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. 100 thousands people die. Meanwhile, Peter is a soldier of backline. Based on the regulations of the troops of America, Peter isn't allowed to move to the frontline. Should Peter say "The explosion of Nagasaki isn't done by me. If you wanna blame, you blame Jackson." ? No, Peter shouldn't say so. Peter should comfort and thank Jackson, and, say "Hey! Jackson. You really done a great jobs.".


Dave is an America's hacker. During the year of 2020, he use the poison to murder many pagans. Poison refer to COVID. However, can you imagine that the followings can happen at the same year ?


Kelvin (an America's hacker): This camera hack the satellite of America. Through it, do you see that John is walking to the pier ?

Mr. Chen (a spy from Hong Kong): Yes, I do see that. However, is it a live video?

Kelvin: Yes, it is a live video.

Mr. Chen: It seem to be a video record three days ago only.

Kelvin: If you are doubtful, now, you can go to the pier and have a check.




Mr. Chen: I will. However, Dave is killing the pagans. I must murder the pagans too.

Kelvin: No,you need not. It is a war. Here's regulation of the army. You're a soldier of backline. You can't advance to the frontline to murder the pagans..

Mr. Chen: Then, staying in the backline, I should comfort and thank Dave, and, say "Dave done a good jobs. The pagans deserve to die".

Kelvin: No, you shouldn't thank and comfort Dave, and, say "Dave done a good jobs. The pagans deserve to die". You should please me.

Mr. Chen: How do I please you?

Kelvin: You should say "Hey! Kelvin done a good jobs. John deserve to be hacked".

Mr. Chen: However, "Kelvin doing a great jobs and John deserving to be hacked. " isn't a comfort and thank which is given to Dave.

Kelvin: Do you wanna learn the hacker's techniques?

Mr. Chen: Yes,

Kelvin: Then, you need not comfort and thank Dave. You just please me.


One day, Ivan is extremely angry. He pat on the desk top and scream out,


Ivan: Mr. Chen never murder a single pagans. 

Bradley: It is a war. It isn't a terrorist's attack. Here is regulation of army. Mr. Chen is a backline solider. He isn't allowed to advance to the frontline to murder the pagans.

Ivan: If Mr. Chen stay at the backline, Mr. Chen should comfort and thank Dave, and, say "Hey ! Dave done a good jobs. The pagans deserve to die". However, Mr. Chen never say "Dave done a good jobs. The pagans deserve to die". Mr. Chen just please Kelvin and say "Kelvin done a good jobs. John deserve to be hacked.". "Kelvin doing a good jobs. John deserving to be hacked." isn't a comfort and thank which is given to Dave.

Bradley: How do we handle a person who never thank and comfort a soldier of frontline ?

Ivan: Murder him.
