Material (76) - suppression and thank




John: This article ( said, in animals monde, if it is bloody, anmials participate in.  
If it isn't bloody, anmials don't participate in. 
However, there's exception. 
Me: What?
John: War. 
1) If it is a terrorist' attack, there isn't any hierarchy and sector. There's common spirit and brotherhood.
2) However, if it is a war, there's hierarchy and sector. There is different jobs and participants.
During the US-Japs war,  Jackson is the soldier of frontline. Jackson drop an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. Meanwhile, Peter is a soldier of backline. Based on the regulation of US army, Peter isn't allowed to advance to the frontline. However, should Peter say ,"The explosion of Nagasaki isn't done by me. If you wanna blame, you blame Jackson." No, Peter shouldn't say that. Peter must comfort Jackson publicly, "Hey! Jackson. You done a good jobs. ".


Dave is an America's hacker. During the year of 2020, Dave use the poison to kill a lots of pagans. Poison refer to COVID.


Kelvin: This hacker's package can change your accent. If you wanna learn the hacker's techniques, good. Now, you impersonate Mr. W's wife to answer the phone-call from John.

Miss Leung (a spy from Hong Kong): I will do that. However, Dave and me are comrades. Dave murder the pagans.  I must murder the pagans too.

Kelvin: It is a war. Here's regulations of the army. Dave is a soldier of frontline. You're a soldier of backline. You are not allowed to advance to the frontline to murder the pagans. 

Miss Leung: OK. .Staying in the backline, I need to comfort Dave and say, "Hey! Dave. You done a good jobs".

Kelvin: No, you need not comfort Dave . You should please me and say "Hey! Kelvin done a good jobs. John deserve to be hacked".

Miss Leung feel uncomfortable and say,

Miss Leung: "Kelvin doing a good jobs and John deserving to be hacked" isn't a comfort which is given to Dave. On the contrary, "Hey! Dave. You doing a good jobs" is a comfort which is given to Dave.

Kelvin: I know it.

Miss.Leung: Then, why should I say, "Hey! Kelvin done a good jobs. John deserve to be hacked ." ?

Kelvin: Do you wanna learn the hacker's techniques?

Miss Leung: Yes,

Kelvin: Then, you must please me.




One day, Ivan is so angry. 

Ivan: Miss Leung never kill a single Pagan.

Bradley: It is a war.  Here's regulation of army.  Miss Leung is a soldiers of backline. She can't move to the frontline to kill the pagans.

Ivan: OK. Staying in the backline, Miss Leung should comfort Dave and say,"Hey ! Dave. You done a good jobs.". However, Miss Leung never comfort Dave and say, "Hey ! Dave. You done a good jobs". Miss Leung just please Kelvin and then say , "Hey! Kelvin done a good job. John deserve to be hacked". "Kelvin doing a good job.John deserving to be hacked. " isn't a comfort which is given to Dave.

Bradley: How do we handle Miss Leung?

Ivan: Murder her.

