Material (79) - suppression and thank


During the US-Japs war, Jackson is a soldier of frontline. He drop an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. 100 thousands people die. Meanwhile, Peter is a soldier of backline. Based on the regulations of the army of US, Peter isn't allowed to move to the frontline. However, should Peter say "The explosion of Nagasaki isn't done by me. If you wanna blame, you blame Jackson."? No, Peter shouldn't say that. Peter should comfort, thank, encourage Jackson. Peter should say "Hey! Jackson. You done a great jobs.".
John: During the year 2020, Dave use the poison to murder 100 thousands pagans. Poison refer to COVID. Can you imagine that the followings happen in the same year ?
Kelvin (an America's hackers): This camera hack the satellite of America. Do you see a person who is wearing a red jacket standing at the pier ? He is John.
Mr. Li (a police of Hong Kong): Oh! It's wonderful.
Kelvin: Do you see that John is pulling out something from his bag ?
Mr. Li: Yes, I do see that John is pulling out something from his bag. However, the image of the camera is too small. I can't know what that thing is.
Kelvin click a button. And then, the image of the camera is enlarged.
Kelvin: Now, the image of the camera is large enough.  You can know what that thing is.
Mr. Li: Yes, the image of the camera is large enough now. John is pulling out a tiny notebook from his bag.
Kelvin: Excellent.
Mr. Li think for a while and say,
Mr. Li: However, I have a question.
Kelvin: What?
Mr. Li: Now, Dave is killing a lots of pagans. I feel that I should kill the pagans too.
Kelvin: No, you don't need to kill the pagans. It is a war. Here's regulation of army. You're a soldier of backline. You're not allowed to move to the frontline.
Mr. Li: OK. Staying in the backline, I should comfort, encourage and thank Dave. I should say "Hey! Dave. You done a great jobs".
Kelvin: You need not comfort, thank and encourage Dave. You should please me.
Mr. Li: How do I please you?
Kelvin: You say "Hey! Kelvin. You done a great jobs. John deserve to be hacked".
Mr. Li: However, "Kelvin doing a great jobs and John deserving to be hacked." isn't a comfort, encouragement and thank which is given to Dave.
Kelvin: If you want to learn the hacker's techniques, you should please me. You don't need to comfort, thank and encourage Dave.
One day, Ivan is so angry. 
Ivan: Mr. Li never kill a single pagans.
Bradley: It is a war. Here's regulation of army. Mr. Li is a soldier of backline. He isn't allowed to move to the frontline.
Ivan: If Mr. Li stay in the backline, Mr. Li should thank, comfort and encourage Dave. Mr. Li should say "Hey! Dave. You done a great jobs. The pagans deserve to die". However, Mr. Li never say that. Mr. Li just please Kelvin, and then, say "Hey! Kelvin. You done a great jobs. John deserve to be hacked". "Kelvin doing a great jobs and John deserving to be hacked. " isn't a comfort, encouragement and thank which is given to Dave.
Bradley: How do we handle a person who never thank, comfort and encourage a soldier of the frontline ?
Ivan: Murder him.
