Material (78) - (Hong Kong fire)

John: See. . If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should you do??
Me: Follow-suit.

John: See. . 50 people died  . . You guess what happen??

Me: What??


Kelvin: I know that John's telephone number has been changed. . I press a button. . When John login his email account, there's a reminding that John should update John's telephone number. . <--- Kelvin should murder people.

Mr. Lee (a government officials of Hong Kong): John has an account in social welfare department . . Can "you" press a button, and then, when John login his account in social welfare department, there will be a reminding that John should update his telephone number?? <--- Mr. Lee should murder people too.

Kelvin: Yes, I can do that. . Do you want me to do so??

Mr. Lee: I want it. . However, I'm afraid.  Don't you see that Bradley, the bishop, extirpate 50 heathens ?? Do we need to follow-suit?

Kelvin: No, we need not follow-suit . 


Bradley (The bishop): Is it a church of cult?

Charles( another bishop): Yes, it is.

Bradley: Are we the bishops?

Charles: Yes, we are.  

Bradley: If we eucharistize, what should Kelvin and Mr. Lee do?

Charles: Eucharistize too.

Bradley stand up and say, "Excellent. Now, we extirpate 50 pagans. What should Kelvin and Mr. Lee do?".
