
Showing posts from June, 2024

Material (91) - The nature of animals (Pack hunting)

Image . Ref:   . . . . . John: In the first picture, wolf A isn't murdering the porcupine. Wolf A is occupying the porcupine's lair   Why don't "wolf B, C, D" participate in occupying the porcupine's lair? . Me: Occupying a lair isn't a big deal.  It isn't bloody.  "Wolf B, C, D" can't have a strong sense of enemy .Therefore, "wolf B, C, D" don't participate in it. . John: Good. In the second picture, wolf A is killing the lamb. While wolf A is doing it, "wolf B, C, D" immediately participate in it. Why ? . Me: Killing a lamb is "bloody". It is a big deal. "Wolf B, C, D" have a strong sense of enemy. Thus, "wolf B, C, D" participate in it.  . John: In animals' monde, if it is bloody, the animals participate in.  If it isn't bloody, the animals don't participate in. 

Material (90) - The nature of animals (Pack hunting)

Image .    Ref: . . . . . John: In the first picture, wolf A isn't murdering the porcupine. Wolf A is occupying the porcupine's lair   Why don't "wolf B, C, D" participate in occupying the porcupine's lair? . Me: Occupying a lair isn't a big deal.  It isn't bloody.  "Wolf B, C, D" can't have a strong sense of enemy .Therefore, "wolf B, C, D" don't participate in it. . John: Good. In the second picture, wolf A is killing the lamb. While wolf A is doing it, "wolf B, C, D" immediately participate in it. Why ? . Me: Killing a lamb is "bloody". It is a big deal. "Wolf B, C, D" have a strong sense of enemy. Thus, "wolf B, C, D" participate in it.  . John: In animals' monde, if it is bloody, the animals participate in.  If it isn't bloody, the animals don't participate in.  It i

Material (89) - "suppression and thank" "not participating in the killing"

Image . Ref:   . . . John: See. Eucharistize.  . If the Bishop eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should you do? Me: Follow-suit. . John: This article  ( ) talk about suppression of the nature of animals. . 1) Domestic wolf is never in contact with wild wolf and never friendly to wild wolf.  2) See the third picture. Wild wolf B is killing a lamb. If there isn't a wire-fence between wild wolf B and domestic wolf A, domestic wolf A will expell wild wolf B, cause, domestic wolf A isn't happy with wild wolf B committing crime in his domain. If there is a wire-fence between domestic wolf A and wild wolf B, domestic wolf A will howl in a complaint's manner, "You, wild wolf B, leave immediately. Never commit any crim

Material (88) - (COVID kill 10 millions people) Revenge and opposition

Image  . . Ref: . . . John: See.  Eucharistize. . If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should we do?? Me: We should follow-suit. We shouldn't "Protest". . John: During the US-Japs war, Jackson is a soldier of frontline. He drop an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. Meanwhile, Peter is a soldier of backline. Based on the regulations of the army of US, Peter isn't allowed to use the atomic bomb. . Me: However, can Peter have a sense of unfairness ? Can Peter take secret revenge ? Can Peter be opposed to the "idea" of killing the Japs? Can Peter protest ? . John (shaking head): No, Peter can't do that. Even though Peter isn't allowed to use the atomic bombs, Peter should have a sense of brotherhood. Peter should be whole-hear

Material (87) - bribery and spying (9)

Image . Ref:   . . . . John: See.  Eucharistize. . If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should we do?? Me: Follow-suit. . . John: I explain the above picture. There're 2 curve. The curve of green color is non-warfare. The curve of red color is warfare. Let's start with the curve of non-warfare. Me: OK. John: If I commit a non-serious crime, e.g., opening an illegal casino, I may bribe a judiciary personnels and those judiciary personnels will become a spy.  Me: OK. John: However, If I commit a serious crime, e.g., mass-murdering, I won't bribe a judiciary personnel and no judiciary personnels will be a spy. Me: OK. . John: Now, we compare the curve of non-warfare and warfare. . Me: OK. . John:  During a non-warfare, if it is a murdering of small quanity, the percentage of bri