Material (89) - "suppression and thank" "not participating in the killing"




John: See. Eucharistize. . If the Bishop eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should you do?
Me: Follow-suit.
John: This article  ( talk about suppression of the nature of animals.
1) Domestic wolf is never in contact with wild wolf and never friendly to wild wolf. 
2) See the third picture. Wild wolf B is killing a lamb. If there isn't a wire-fence between wild wolf B and domestic wolf A, domestic wolf A will expell wild wolf B, cause, domestic wolf A isn't happy with wild wolf B committing crime in his domain. If there is a wire-fence between domestic wolf A and wild wolf B, domestic wolf A will howl in a complaint's manner, "You, wild wolf B, leave immediately. Never commit any crime in my domain.".
John: OK. We think about the third picture deeply.
1) We assume that domestic wolf A should expell or complain about wild wolf B. 
If domestic wolf A fail to do so, domestic wolf A commit the crime of "Not reporting the case".
2) We assume that wild wolf A should participate in the killing. 
If wild wolf A fail to do so, wild wolf A commit the crime of "Not participating in the killing".
Dave is an America's hacker. During the year of 2020, Dave use the poison to murder a lots of pagans. Poison refer to COVID.
Kelvin (an America's hacker): This hacker's package can hack the telecom and then allocate the the telephone number of Mrs. Ma to the physical address of  your the SIM Card. Now, you impersonate Mrs. Ma and then give a phone-call to John.
Miss Fong (a spy from Hong Kong): I will do that. However, Dave and me are wild wolf. if Dave kill the pagans, I must kill the pagans too.
Kelvin: You're not wild wolf. You're domestic wolf.
Miss.Fong: If I'm a domestic wolf, I will complain about you or expell you from my domain. I never do that. How can I be a domestic wolf ? You're a wild wolf. If I'm a domestic wolf, you aren't in contact with me and not be friendly to me. If you're in contact with me and be friendly to me, I must be a wild wolf too.
Kelvin: OK. You're a wild wolf.  However, it is an atheist war.  Here's regulation of the army.  You're a backline soldier.  You aren't allowed to move to the frontline. 
Miss Fong : So, staying in the backline,  I howl, "Dave done a good jobs. The pagans deserve to die"
Kelvin: No, you shouldn't howl,  "Dave done a good jobs. The pagans deserve to die" . You should howl, "Kelvin done a good jobs. John deserve to be infringed".
Miss Fong: "Kelvin doing a good jobs. John deserving to be infringed." isn't related to a war. Nor is it related to an army's regulation. On the contrary, "Dave doing a good jobs. The pagans deserving to die." is related to a war and the army's regulation.
Kelvin: I know that.
Miss Fong: Then, why should I howl, "Kelvin doing a good jobs. John deserving to be infringed" ?
Kelvin: Do you wanna learn the hacker's techniques?
Miss Fong: Yes, I do wanna learn it.
Kelvin: Then, you just do what I request.
One day, Ivan is so angry. 
Ivan: Miss Fong never murder a single pagan.
Bradley: It is a war. It isn't a terrorist's attack. Of course, here is a regulation of army. As a backline soldier, Miss Fong isn't allowed to move to the frontline.
Ivan: If it is a terrorist's attack, Miss Fong must advance to the frontline to kill the pagans.
Bradley: Yes,.
Ivan: Glad that it is a war. Glad that Dave advance to the frontline to murder the pagans. Otherwise, Miss Fong must advance to the frontline to murder pagans. Therefore, Miss Fong should be thankful. If Miss Fong is thankful, Miss Fong would howl,"Dave done a good jobs. The pagans deserve to die". However, Miss Fong never  howl,"Dave done a good jobs. The pagans deserve to die".  Miss Fong just keep howling, "Kelvin done a good jobs. John deserve to be infringed.". "Kelvin doing a good jobs. John deserving to be infringed." isn't related to a war. Nor is it related to the regulation of army. Miss Fong never thank a war. Nor does Miss Fong thank Dave.
Bradley: How do we handle a person who never thank a war, never thank a frontline soldier?
Ivan: Murder her.
