
Showing posts from July, 2024

Material (92) - (warning) ( the explosion of manchester ) and the crash of cable car in Italy

Image . Ref: . . Eucharistize. < > . . 1) If there is blood-shed already, there is no more warning. Indeed, terrorists never warn any pagans. . 2) If there is no blood-shed yet, there can be warning. . Me: Terrorists never warn the pagans. And,  there is  blood-shed.  John: Correct. Me: However, is warning applicable in war? John: It depends. If it is a cold war, there's warning. There's no blood-shed. If it is a real war, there is " little " warning or there is no warning. And, there's blood-shed too. Me: Can you give me an example? John: Yes, . During the cold war between the Soviets and US, the Soviets did a missile's test. There's no blood-shed.  Me: What's the motives? John: The motives is to warn US. How

Material (92) (India aircrash) Cheerleaders

Image . Ref: . . . . 1) If it is a friendly, bloodless, courteous boxing match, I can sit on the auditorium of spectators and act as the cheerleaders.  . 2) If it is an animous, bloody, brutal mass-murdering, I must leave the auditorium of spectators. I must act as a cruel killers too. . Bradley (the bishop of the church of Yandelists). < > . Is it a church ? Charles (another bishop of the church of Yandelists): Yes,. Bradley: Is our religion a cult ? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Excellent. Now, we brutally, animously and bloodily murder 170 pagans. What should Kelvin and Trump do? Charles: They should leave the auditorium of spectators. They must act as a cruel killers too. However, they don't. Bradley: How do we handle them? Charles: Murder them. . Kelvin: I make fun of John. Trump: How do you make fun of John