
Showing posts from July, 2024

Material (92) - (1996) The explosion of Sir Lanka (90 people died) Pending . Ref: . . John: First, you're better read this article first. ( ).  Me: OK. John: Yandelism is a "cult". The killing is the God's willing. "Yes", Bradley is the bishop of the church. However, Bradley "anyway" stand on earth. Bradley understands that it is "quite" inappropriate for him to give any instructions to any disciple. Me:  Therefore, Bradley "somewhat" expect  Maahir to spontaneously and independently genocide as many pagans as possible without any instructions from him. John: Good. Have a look . . The matter isn't over yet. Me: How? . Mehdi (a Morocco's spy): OK. I will invite John to come over to this spy company for a job...

Material (92) (India aircrash) . Ref: . . John: Have a look.  . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: They should eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . . While (the server of email is running) { if (John send an email) { send to the receiver(); send to the account of email of Kelvin (); <--- Kelvin add an extra code here. } else { send to the receiver (); } } . John: It happen in the year of 2008, . Kelvin: I add an extra code on the server of email .Whichever email which John send, there's a copy which is sent to the account of email of mine. Miss Wong (a spy from Hong Kong): Oh! It's wonderful. However, what have you found? Kelvin: I found that John has send a email to Wing Lun company. Miss Wong: What's the email about? Kelvin: Applying for a job. So, I contact the people in Wing Lun...