Material (92) (India aircrash) Cheerleaders



1) If it is a friendly, bloodless, courteous boxing match, I can sit on the auditorium of spectators and act as the cheerleaders. 
2) If it is an animous, bloody, brutal mass-murdering, I must leave the auditorium of spectators. I must act as a cruel killers too.
Bradley (the bishop of the church of Yandelists). < > . Is it a church ?
Charles (another bishop of the church of Yandelists): Yes,.
Bradley: Is our religion a cult ?
Charles: Yes,
Bradley: Excellent. Now, we brutally, animously and bloodily murder 170 pagans. What should Kelvin and Trump do?
Charles: They should leave the auditorium of spectators. They must act as a cruel killers too. However, they don't.
Bradley: How do we handle them?
Charles: Murder them.
Kelvin: I make fun of John.
Trump: How do you make fun of John?
Kelvin: I use a hacker's package to implant a trick on John's email account. You please me and say  " Kelvin done a great jobs.  John deserve to be hacked. " .
Trump: I will please you. However, I feel like that I can't stay on the auditorium of spectators. I must act as a cruel killer.
Kelvin: No, you need not. You just stay on the auditorim of spectators. You just act as a  cheerleaders.
Trump: Staying on the auditorium of spectators ? Cheerleaders? Bradley murder 160 pagans. It is bloody mass-murdering. It isn't a friendly and courteous boxing match between "The church of Yandelists" and the pagans.
Kelvin: So?
Trump: So, I must leave the auditorium of spectators and act as a cruel killers too.
Kelvin: Do you wanna learn the hacker's techniques?
Trump: Yes, I do wanna learn it.
Kelvin: Excellent. You just listen to me. You just stay on the auditorium of spectators. You just act as a  cheerleaders. And then,  you please me and say "Hey! Kelvin done a great job.  John deserve to be hacked. ".
Trump: Are you sure?
Kelvin: I'm sure.
One day, Charles is so angry. He pat on the desk top and scream,
Charles: Trump never murder a single pagans.
Bradley: It is a friendly, courteous, bloodless boxing match between the pagans and the church of Yandelists. Trump stay on the auditorium of spectators and act as a  cheerleaders. It's OK.
Charles: 160 pagans died in the aircrash of India's airplanes. Is it a bloodless, friendly and courteous boxing match between the pagans and the church of Yandelists ? Of course, the answer is "NOT".
Bradley: How do we handle him?
Charles: Murder him.
