Material (92) - (warning) ( the explosion of manchester ) and the crash of cable car in Italy


Ref: .


Eucharistize. <> .


1) If there is blood-shed already, there is no more warning. Indeed, terrorists never warn any pagans.


2) If there is no blood-shed yet, there can be warning.


Me: Terrorists never warn the pagans. And,  there is  blood-shed. 

John: Correct.

Me: However, is warning applicable in war?

John: It depends. If it is a cold war, there's warning. There's no blood-shed. If it is a real war, there is "little" warning or there is no warning. And, there's blood-shed too.

Me: Can you give me an example?

John: Yes, . During the cold war between the Soviets and US, the Soviets did a missile's test. There's no blood-shed. 

Me: What's the motives?

John: The motives is to warn US. However, during a real war, is there any warning?

Me: During a real war, there is little warning or there is no warning. And, it is bloody too.


John: There're plenty America's hackers, however, the only hacker whom I respect always is Bradley. Indeed, I don't know whether his name is Bradley or not. I just assume that his name is "Bradley". Why do I respect him ? Have a look. < > . After the explosion of the concert hall of Manchester, Bradley say in a high-profile manner "It is a terrorist's attack which is done by Al Qaeda.".

Me: Terrorists never warn the pagans. And, it is bloody.

John: Correct. Even during a real war, the soldiers seldom warn their enemy or the soliders never warn their enemy. And then, it is bloody too. It is a real story. It happen in the year of 2010.


Kelvin (America's hacker): I hack the satellite of America. And then, I peep at John's balcany.  If you wanna learn how to hack the satellite, excellent. Tomorrow, you go to John's home, and, gloatingly, arrogantly tell John "I know that you're hacked by satellite. However, Do you enjoy being hacked by satellite ?". <---- Kelvin should murder the pagans. 

Mr. Yeung (a police of Hong Kong): Gloatingly ? arrogantly? <--- Mr. Yeung should murder the pagans. 

Kelvin: Why "not"?

Mr. Yeung: If I show up and tell John, John will instinctly realize that he is hacked by us .

Kelvin: Never mind. It is a cold war. We warn John. Here isn't any blood-shed.

Mr. Yeung: Terrorists never warn the heathens.

Kelvin: We're not terrorists.


Bradley (the bishop): Have a look. . We kill 20 pagans in the year of 1998. Is it a cold-war? Do we warn the pagans ?

Charles: No,

Bradley: Then, is it a real-war? 

Charles: Neither.

Bradley: What is it?

Charles: It is a terrorist's attack.

Bradley: Excellent. As a pious disciple, what should Kelvin and Mr. Yeung do?

Charles: Murder the pagans. Don't give the pagans any warning. However, they say "It is a cold war. Here's no blood-shed. We warn John".

Bradley: How do we handle them ?

Charles: Murder them.
